Tuesday, December 12, 2023

"Assault and Batteries" - 04/22/2010

"Assault and Batteries"

The first thing I remember from this dream was getting into a huge argument with some really arrogant chick. Out of nowhere, in the middle of our argument, she hauled off and hit me in the nuts with some kind of blunt object. The pain was excruciating. I fell to the ground, tensed up and trying as hard as I could not to succumb to the pain. I could not deny it, though. Every few seconds I would let out this guttural scream - waves of agony rippling all throughout my torso, as if someone had my balls in a vice and was giving the crank a quick, periodic twist (much like the way young Raizo reacted, in Ninja Assassin, when his teacher gave him that finger strike to the gut. It was seriously some of the worst pain I've ever felt in a dream.) After what seemed like forever, I was able to stagger to my feet. In a rage, I instinctively lunged at her. My only impulse (which was pretty inconsistent with my waking character) was to make this chick pay for attacking me in that way. Everyone in the crowd around us held me back, though. Still staving off the pain in my loins, I yelled and kicked and slung all kinds of obscenities at this girl, as a group of people dragged me away. One of the things I remember telling her was that she better not let me find her alone in the street. I was just utterly enraged and wanted to completely destroy this girl. Lol.

A little bit of time passed, and I stayed on the lookout for her, still seething. Finally, we just happened to pass each other, walking down a busy, city sidewalk one day. We didn't recognize each other until we were practically right beside one another. We both took a few more steps, before it actually registered, and then I spun around. The last thing I remember of this part is running toward her for an all-out attack. I don't actually remember what happened when I reached her, though. The next thing I knew, I was on a prisoner's compound. (Maybe I should have just let the b**** go! LOL) The penalty, for being in this 'death camp', was that we were made to survive these games in which we are hunted by various creatures. Indoors - and underground - this facility was very high tech. It had laboratories and security annexes; the works. Above ground, the facility looked more like a junk yard, or a post-apocalyptic compound of some sort. The prisoners were mostly made to stay above/outside, while we were observed by our captors, who remained in the other sectors.

First, we were made to fight Xenomorphs (from the Alien movie series). They chased us around the compound, in packs, and we had the little locator devices from the movies, which helped us keep track of where they were. We were not given weapons, though, and we had to simply survive, unarmed. Having endured the hunt, and once the attack from the xenos died down, I had figured that we were finished with our trial. Suddenly, a huge mech came around a corner. We all immediately scattered, and the mech fired a missile into the structure that we had been hiding behind, just moments before.

After the appearance of this mech, the shit really hit the fan, and we found ourselves running from even more mechs, robots, and all kinds of other "Terminator"-type technology. We all decided to take the fight down into the bowels of the facility and broke back into the base. The killer robots followed us inside, and we played a really intense game of cat and mouse, within. We were also able to locate the robots with the same locators that we used for the xenomorphs. Being one of the only remaining survivors, I traveled deeper and deeper into this enormous facility. I eventually came across a large community of other (relatively) 'innocent' people, who were living down in some of the furthest levels from the surface. There were men and women of all backgrounds, and they were even cohabiting with some docile robots, which makes me believe that this dream was set so far in the future that robots were already an integral part of society. There was an explosion behind me, and one of the bigger robots had, somehow, squeezed his way through the halls and had broken into the towering doors, scoping around for me. 

Again, everyone scattered. Even though I didn't know these people well, they knew that I was being hunted, and they decided to help me get away from the killer robot. Can't really quite remember how, though.

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