Tuesday, December 12, 2023

"Police Futility" - 01/22/2007 (Lucid)

”Police Futility”

(Awesome lucid dream. Unfortunately, I woke up at about 4 o’clock, after the dream, and didn’t get up to jot down any notes before falling back asleep, so I’ve forgotten a few things near the end. I woke up again, shortly after, though, so I was still able to retain quite a bit!) 

So, T and I were on a road trip, somewhere. We stopped into a gas station, late at night, and I slightly remember making some small talk with a girl that was working there. It wasn't long, before we were back in the car and on the road again. Soon after, it was day time and we were driving down the interstate. I can’t remember what the reason was but, some time during our drive, a motorcycle cop pulled up behind us and turned on his lights. We pulled over - onto the left shoulder instead of the right - and parked on the wide, grass median, in the center of the two opposing flows of traffic.

The cop came over and started being a real prick. I think he was accusing us of smoking, or something, because he told us to wait over by his bike so he can search the car. While he was looking over the car, I start getting suspicious of things, but not enough to realize I’m dreaming. Then, right on cue, the cop said “Well, well. What is this?” and he pulled out my dream journal, which happened to be in a notebook. (Funny, because I don’t have a paper journal, IRL) Laughing while walking in our direction, he began thumbing through the journal and then, out of nowhere, just started ripping pages out of it, tearing them to pieces and throwing them all over the median. I was infuriated. So much so, that even as T was looking at the cop, I could practically hear him thinking “Oohh, you shouldn’t have done that.”

I don’t even remember what happened next but, the next thing I knew, the cop was lying on the ground, face down. It was right around here that I realized I was dreaming (however, I can’t remember if I became lucid and then took out the cop, or did it before. I think I took out the cop first, though. Anyway...). The second I realized I was dreaming, I looked at my hands - which were hard and dry - in order to stabilize the dream, repeating to myself “I’m dreaming, I’m dreaming,” to keep the thought fresh in my mind. T was looking quizzically at me, wondering what was going on. I told him that I was dreaming, but that we still needed to get out of here because I had a feeling our trouble with the cop wasn’t over. Just as I said that, the cop was beginning to slowly rise from the ground. Since he was between us and the car, I looked the other way and the first thing I saw was the police motorcycle. My eyes about lit up like a kid in a candy store.

I ran to the bike and told T to jump on. At first, I couldn’t get it started and the cop was then running toward us, closing the gap while I continuously tried to kick-start the bike (which is weird because police bikes don’t have kick-starts, that I know of). Finally, as the cop was just beginning to come in range, I got it started and we took off. I remember how short and stubby the handlebars felt as I was pushing up through the gears. In seconds, we were flying down the grassy median, closer to the oncoming lane than the correct one. Suddenly, looking at all the cars whizzing passed us, to the left, it dawned on me: I’ve always wanted to try this in a lucid dream...

Thinking of Trinity in The Matrix: Reloaded, I suddenly swerved into oncoming traffic, with the motorcycle, zig-zagging left and right as cars veered and skidded out of our way. Ah, man. One of the most insane things I’ve experienced in a LD and it seemed to last about 20 seconds or so, before I cut back across the median, to the right side. We kept on riding until we were back in our town (though it didn’t really seem like our town), pulling up in some unfamiliar apartment complex, where my mom apparently lived. My lucidity had begun flickering, during the ride but, as soon as I got inside the apartment, the first thing I did was focus on my hands again and repeat “I’m dreaming, I’m dreaming,” bringing my lucidity, and the scene around me, into much more clarity.

My DC mom was getting ready for a party, and my aunt and some other relatives were about to come over. I was still thinking about the whole cop thing and was wondering if we’d seen the last of them. T suddenly got a call on his cell phone, which was this really futuristic pocket computer sort of thing. We thought it might have been the cops, but it was someone in his family. A few moments later, the apartment phone rang. Mom picked it up and then called me over to take the call. I picked up and, this time, it was the police. I recognized the voice and, to be specific, it was Morgan Freeman. (Lol.) He told me, calmly, that the entire complex was now crawling with SWAT and that my friend and I needed to come out and turn ourselves in, before we made things worse for ourselves – in all his typical, soothing, Freeman-esque nature. I found this hilarious, though, seeing as how I was now 100% lucid again, and figured it was time to have some more fun.

As we were heading out of the apartment, I was talking to T, coaching him on how he was just a DC and we both had “lucid abilities,” in hopes that he was going to be able to do all the things I could do, as it would make what was about to happen all the more interesting. He got the picture, and we both started walking downstairs. He was walking in front of me and kept going, even after I stopped, halfway down the last set of stairs. I glanced over to one side and saw Morgan Freeman standing in the hallway, dressed like his detective character in Se7en and facing away from me (while I was still slightly faced away from him), as if we were two arch-enemies in some gritty anime thriller that were having their last civil conversation, before completely obliterating each other. I can’t remember exactly what he was saying, though. Finally, I came down the rest of the stairway and turned to face him. He, himself, was walking toward me.

I started walking backward in the hallway, while we were still talking, backing myself out toward the field that was in front of the apartment complex. While doing this, I was telling him that I wasn’t worried about him, or the rest of the SWAT team (whom I could see surrounding the field, out of the corner of my eye) because I knew I was dreaming. I tried to warn him that he really didn’t want to start a fight with us. (The irony of trying to show a DC mercy isn't lost on me. Lol.) He wasn’t buying it, though, and was his cool, calm, collected self - dismissing my words as psychotic banter, of course. I looked back, behind me, and saw T standing in the field, waiting. When I turned back to Detective Freeman, I gave him a smile and suddenly began levitating backward, with my arms rising out to the sides. I said something smart, like “Suit yourself,” and his face twisted in subtle surprise. Hovering backward, passing Tony, I glanced over to him and said something like “You ready, man?” He said “Yup,” and suddenly levitated into the air, as well. Jesus, did we ever show off!

We started flying around this huge field, watching the SWAT stand by and stare at us in awe. Neighbors started coming out onto their decks and balconies, and we could hear them gasping and shouting. Pretty soon, we had the attention of everyone in the complex. I hovered passed one balcony and actually saw my ex and her husband (which isn’t that strange because they are, more or less, the only people I know that live in an apartment complex, at the moment) and they were actually cheering us on. Now, in mid-air, I held up one finger and focused, slinging my hand out as a bright orange streak shot out of my finger and exploded, down on the ground, though I wasn’t aiming for anything in particular. Taking the cue, T began doing the same thing, and we started firing energy blasts in all directions. My purpose, really, was to see if I could get all the DC cops to run away screaming, as I hadn’t really planned on slaughtering them. Some ran. Others didn’t. I did end up shooting one guy in the chest and he just exploded. The rest of the SWAT guys standing close to him only stood there like statues, though.

I redirected my attention to their cars and started blowing them up, one by one. Eventually, I’d begun thinking less and less of the cops surrounding us, and I was just caught up in how much fun I was having, using these powers. I wanted to try something else. Something Big. I looked up at the sky and was reminded of the Hammer of Dawn (a huge satellite laser, from the game Gears of War, which I played for the first time, this weekend). I held my hands up to the sky, focusing hard on how to make this work. Visualizing this beam of light, I saw the clouds above begin to swirl, funneling just a moment before spreading slowly outward from the center of rotation. It had been near sundown and the sky was already growing dark, so it was so much easier to see the bright white ball of light growing in the heavens. As soon as I figured it was well-enough developed, I swung my hands down toward the earth, as if I was pulling the light down from the sky with my fingers. A bright red-orange beam exploded down out of the sky, a few miles behind the apartment complex. I heard it hit the ground, in the distance, and saw the top end of a massive explosion budding up, over the tops of the apartment building in front of me. I remember trying this at least twice, before waking up into a false awakening, where Tony and I were telling our friend JL about the ordeal we'd just been in.

Eventually, the retelling of the situation actually influenced the dream into dissolving back into the same scenario. Before I knew it, T and I were right back to battling the cops, in the apartment complex. This time, though, I wasn't lucid, and the narrative just carried me through the rest of the dream (which was much harder to remember, after I'd lost lucidity).

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