Tuesday, December 12, 2023

"Back Through the Looking Glass" - 03/31/2010 (Lucid)

"Back Through the Looking Glass"
Dream #1

(This was a great lucid dream. Unfortunately, most of it was lost, when I actually woke up. =/)

The first thing I remember is walking through someone's house. The house was extremely large with a lot of inner hallways, and all of the lights were very dim, creating dark corners and nooks, all over. The blackness was accented, here and there, with small areas of yellow-orange light, from the lamps that modestly dotted the ceiling. I don't remember what I was doing in this house, or who it belonged to, but there was something about this house that seemed strange or foreboding. (I think it was just that I felt really uncomfortable in it. A lot of areas were just pitch black, and I think I just wasn't familiar with the place to feel at east.), Some time, during my aimless exploration of these rooms and hallways, I ended up gaining spontaneous lucidity.

I didn't really know what I wanted to do with myself, now that I knew I was dreaming, so I just continued to roam around the corridors of this dark house, simply taking in the never-ending wonder of being surrounded by such a vivid world created by my subconscious. Rounding a corner, I suddenly came upon a little boy - maybe 7 or 8 years old. He had his back faced to me, and I don't think he was wearing a shirt. I kept walking in his direction, and he didn't move. I believe he had a shaved head, but his image was slightly obscured by the dimness of the hallway. I never broke stride, and just watched him curiously as I passed. He didn't move at all. The boy just stood with his hands to the side, staring down the hall in the same direction I was walking. Even when I passed him, he didn't even acknowledge that I was there. He just kept...staring. For all I know, he could have been a statue. The light was so dim that I never really got a clear look at his face, so I just kept on walking, looking back momentarily and watching him. He still never moved, and just kind of faded away into the shadows, as the rest of the hallway did. I found the whole thing kind of creepy, but I didn't think too much of it, because after all, I knew that this was just a dream.

There was an open door to my left, and I stuck my head inside. I don't remember if I tried to turn on the light and failed, or I just walked in, but everything was dark inside the room. I looked at the wall to my right, and saw my reflection, staring back at me in the dark. A mirror. I stared into the eyes of my reflection, and he stared right back at me. I moved closer, and he followed suit, seemingly with his own pace - and subtle body movements that really just didn't seem to match my own. We just stared at each other as we walked closer. It was really no less creepy than the little boy in the hallway. Almost immediately, I remember the thread somebody had posted on DreamViews, saying that - the next time we encounter a mirror - we should walk through it, to see what happens. Since walking through mirrors usually causes a drastic dream scene change for me, I decided to have a little fun first. With my dimly-lit double staring back at me, I lunged at the mirror and sank my arms into it. I couldn't even feel the glass, this time, and it was like there was nothing there. I grabbed around behind my reflection, and noticed that he had done the same thing to me, bringing his arms out of the mirror to wrap around mine. I started pulling backward, to try to bring my reflection out of the mirror, and onto my side of the glass. He was a strong som'bitch, though, and kept resisting. It was pretty even. Again - like the last time I tried this, I was only able to bring him out just a little bit. This time, the stalemate made it feel like the dream was beginning to unravel, so I gave in, and let him go. Not wanting to lose the dream without doing what I'd meant to do, I stepped forward and sank my face into the mirror, followed by my whole body. The reflected image I was seeing - of the dark room behind me - stayed the same. My reflection was gone. It seemed as though I'd stepped precisely into the reflection. In the little bit of light still creeping in from the door, I saw that all the furniture and picture frames on the wall were the same way they had been, in the reflection. It was really weird. It was the first time that walking through a mirror actually felt more like walking into the reflection, through a window. Very surreal. As could almost be expected, though, stepping into the reflection - smooth a transition as it was - still made things become more unstable and, soon, the dream dimmed itself out and the scene completely changed.

I was now on day-lit plains, still lucid. There was nothing around me, except a line of very large trees. After walking a while, I left the tall grass and launched myself into the air, flying just high enough to get a better view. Within the trees, I could see large swaths of them that were cut down. Many of these tree stumps were massive. Maybe a hundred feet around, or so. Some of them had what looked like family crests carved into the flattened tops of the stumps. I surveyed a bit more and actually found a civilization of people living in the woods. They were completely integrated with the thicker, forest area and had rope bridges and huts and canopies strewn all through the trees. Dropping back to the ground, I came upon a commotion. A lot of these tree-dwelling people had wrangled some kind of very large animal, and they were having a hell of a time subduing it. Once I was able to get a good look at the animal, I could clearly see that it was a gryphon. A very big gryphon. And these guys just could not get it to keep its talons on the ground.

With nothing else to do, I decided to help out. I slung my hand out in the creature's direction and made a long string of rope manifest, attaching it to the gryphon's neck. I tried to pull downward, but was instantly lifted off of my feet. The power of this raptor's flailing around slung me around, like a rag doll. But it wasn't violent, in the least. It was as if I was weightless, and just flowing with the wind pushed off of its enormous wings. I never touched the ground after that - just kind of swung around like a kite tail. I tried to exert my will to put my feet on the ground, a few times, but I was completely overwhelmed by this upward flow that seemed to keep my afloat. It was actually a lot of fun.

The next thing I know, I'm back in the dark house again. Wandering some random hallways. Still lucid. I walked out a back door, and there were a lot of people hanging out by what I believe was a pool deck. I don't remember actually seeing the pool, though. I left them alone and high-jumped over the fence, landing on the other side. This was now more like an apartment complex, than a single house. I walked over to another one of the structures and made my way inside, into another set of dark halls. Soon, I was in another darkened room. There was a man asleep in his bed, who woke up with a start, after I walked in. He was an older guy. Had to be in his 50's.

It was right around here, that I started thinking about how long I'd been dreaming, and how much of the dream I was probably going to forget, when I woke up. I knew I needed to start writing something down, which I sometimes do to help review some of the things that have happened, before the dream ends. Knowing that I would need a pad and pencil, I looked at the man's dresser, and there was a set sitting on top of it. I began writing down as much as I could remember. While doing this, I'd thought I woke up. In reality, I had simply slipped into a False Awakening, with another dream following...

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