Tuesday, December 12, 2023

"Dueling Dragon" - 06/15/2006 (Lucid)

“Dueling Dragon”
Dream #2

In this next dream, I found myself in a large industrial yard, enclosed with high walls around every side. Everyone was hard at work at building something or other, and there was a long, inverted conveyor belt over our heads. It carried these big, bell-shaped weights that must have weighed 5 tons a piece. After watching this process for a few minutes, I then noticed that one of the bell-shaped weights didn’t quite look right. I couldn’t put my finger on the reason for it, at first. But then, the whole thing seemed to sort of unwrap itself; practically blooming, like some great dark orchid. What I first thought had been a solid, metal structure, stretched itself out to a wingspan of at least 40 feet. It was a dragon, hanging upside down from the conveyor belt like a giant vampire bat.

The very instant that I figured out what this thing was, it dropped down from the overhead belt and descended upon the yard. Yard workers started running and screaming everywhere as this thing was bellowing fire all over the compound. I remember that, while I was trying to get away, one of the huge weights fell from over top of me. I forgot who it was (someone I know in waking life), but someone yelled at me to get out of the way. I looked up just in time to see the falling weight, and then I quickly dove forward, landing on the ground just as the weight smashed down behind me. Had I been where I was, a split second ago, I knew I would have been pulverized by the heavy object.

I think the impact shook another one loose because, as I turned over on my back, there was another weight falling down toward me. I rolled to one side as fast as I could, and just BARELY got away from that one. It was so close that I think it landed on the sleeve of my shirt. I quickly rose to my feet, and discovered that I was one of the last people in the yard. Most everyone had fled through cargo doors on all sides of the yard, and most of those doors were now closed. The dragon was doing fly-bys and pretty much just napalming the area with its breath while I searched frantically for an open cargo door. In running from cargo door to cargo door - trying to stay out of the beast's sight - I saw that each door was set far enough back into the stone walls so that, even if the doors were sealed, I would still have a little nook in which to hid, even if for mere moments, while I scanned around for another door to try. Sprinting toward what might have been the last door I might have been able to try, I was running parallel to a wall while the dragon was swooping in behind me. It  had me targetted and was closing in fast. I looked at the wall beside me and had the sudden urge to try to run along it (ala Trinity, in The Matrix) Then I suddenly remembered how often running on walls has made me realize I was dreaming, in the past. Upon this realization, it then dawned on me that this, too, was a dream.

The dragon was now just a few feet behind me, and streaking in at full speed, like an falcon dashing in to pluck a rodent from the earth, upon its flyby. At the last moment, still in my own stride, I pivoted slightly to one side, dashed toward the wall and ran up it, diagonally. Following through with my changing center of gravity - as my body leaned to accommodate my now using the vertical wall as my floor - I then rotated into a sideways flip off of the wall, which carried me up over the passing dragon. Having cork-scewed my way over the creature, I landed on my feet on his opposite side, just in time to see the beast swooped back up into the sky, now in front of me. I ducking beneath the cargo door overhang and took the moment to gather. With the knowledge I was dreaming, I decided to turn the tables on this fearsome devil and I then stepped boldly out into the center of the yard.

The dragon had landed, by then, and was now standing with its back to me. As I walked out further, it slowly craned its head around toward me - followed by the rest of its body. What happened next is a bit of a blur, but I vaguely remember the dragon exhaling a huge stream of fire in my direction. No longer the least bit worried, I then put up one hand and used the knowledge that I was dreaming to keep the fire away from me, putting up a sort of invisible shield between us. Though I don't remember actually seeing a full shield around me, but - while I was standing inside this inferno - I could see what looked like a light blue 'wave' of interference, where the fire was colliding with my force-field. (Pure Neo moment, right there. Haha.) I also remember doing a little bit of hovering around the yard, and throwing some fireballs of my own at the dragon. (Never really stopped to think whether or not fireballs have any effect on dragons, but oh well.)

Anyway, somewhere throughout this little battle, my feet were back on the ground and I had forgotten that I was dreaming. No longer in control, I wasn’t making any progress in fighting this dragon and was, by now, looking for a way to escape. There were still a few survivors of the dragon’s invasion, who were scrambling toward these vents in the ground - that I hadn't noticed until now. I ran over to one of them and jumped in. Now in the company of a few of the survivors, we spent some time trying to navigate these underground vents, and they were getting smaller and smaller, the further down we went. Sooner or later, I was getting very claustrophobic and wondering just how the hell we were going to get out of this labyrinth of stone tunnels and archways. But then - as worry began to hit me - I remembered once again that this is all a dream!

So, even though I was a good 20-30 ft underground and encased in a concrete shaft, I bent down and drew all of my focus to my legs, then blasting off like a rocket and flying straight up through the ceiling of the shaft, boring through all of the earth above me and then exploded up into the yard again. I landed next to the fresh hole I'd made in the yard, and got ready for round two with the dragon. However, instead of the dragon, I was staring up a (humanoid) giant. He was big and lumbering, and he stood over me, looking down at me as if I was I was his next meal. I had been completely unprepared for this.

This surprise stripped me of my lucidity again, just as this giant started reaching down to catch me in his hand. I started ducking and dodging the numerous swings from this “guy,” and was again looking for a way out of the yard. One humorous thing I can remember is how Dumb this giant seemed. I mean he was “dduuurrrr” dumb. But he was strong and he was fast and - at probably forty-something feet tall, - that’s all the advantage he really needed. I do remember he was treating me like a toy and considered his trying to kill me as “playing with me.” Across the yard, I caught a glimpse of one of the cargo doors that wasn’t closed all the way. There was about 2 feet of space beneath it. Freedom awaited. I ran toward the door as fast as I could, and could hear the giant’s feet as he thundered after me. Having no time to stop, I dove to the ground on my stomach and slid under the door.

What I didn’t realize was that the entire industrial yard sat high atop a single rock formation. It was a column of earth and stone, which stretched up from the ground for what seemed like miles. As I slid out from under the door, I went over the cliff-side (which was about 5 feet from all sides of the industrial yard) and grabbed hold of the grassy ledge while my legs dangled over the distant cityscape far below me. The giant obviously didn’t know about this either. He just came crashing through the cargo door and the concrete above it - oblivious. I think he almost stepped on me, because I let go and ended up falling down beside the rock column just as the giant was falling as well. I caught myself on something though and wasn’t that far away from the top when I stopped falling. Hanging on for dear life, I looked down and saw that the giant had latched onto something also, and was now beginning to climb back up toward me. I started climbing also - up and to the left - moving clockwise up the rock formation like a mountain climber as the giant ascended after me. It was The most insane feeling to be scaling this pillar of rock, thousands of feet above the ground, with a huge giant coming up after me.

But, to make a long story short (as if that’s possible ,at this point) the giant somehow ended up losing his grip and falling down to the earth, from a distance so high that there had already been a few clouds between us and the ground. I don't really remember whether or not I heard the impact of him hitting the earth, though.

Shortly after this, I woke up.

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