Tuesday, December 12, 2023

"Balrog Blitz" - 01/30/2014 (Lucid)

“Balrog Blitz”
Dream #3


As the dream started, I was hanging out with my mother and daughter, around an unfamiliar house. On the television was a Batman movie, where he was trying to save an area that looked like Times Square from a bomb that was hanging from a crane. The villain seemed to be kind of a mix between Bane from The Dark Knight Rises, and the War-Zone version of thePunisher. The crane was holding up a large shipping crate, and the two adversaries were fighting atop it at night. At some point, during the fight, my perspective sucked me into the movie, and I was right there with them, trying to remove the bomb from the crate while Batman battled the enemy, hand-to-hand. With the crate swinging back and forth, I scrambled around on my stomach, trying to remove the bomb while not falling to my own death.

Just when the bomb was finally within inches of my fingertips, it blew up in my face, and the scene immediately changed.

I was still on the shipping crate, and it was falling from the height of the crane, but it was now the middle of a clear day and, instead of the populated city square, I was now on a beach. In mid-fall from the 100+ ft. crane, I realized that I had to be dreaming and 'pulled up', willing myself into flight. I sunk a few more feet, through the air, and then came to hover over the beach sand while the crate fell to the shoreline below.

Slowly flying upward, I immediately remembered what I wanted to with my lucidity (having tried and failed to do the Lucid Taskof January, in the dream before this one). I knew I needed to find a Balrog of Moria to do battle with but wondered what would be the best way to summon one, in this awkward setting of a crowded beach on a perfect day. Looking out over the ocean, I saw a large plume of black smoke on the horizon. Instantly, I came to the conclusion that I would find a Balrog attacking an oil-drilling platform out there, and I began to fly toward the sea. My excitement was getting the better of me, though, and my flying was really sluggish and sloppy. It would have taken me ages to go that distance, at the rate I was going. Instead, I turned my attention back toward the shore and, pretty much involuntarily, caused a Balrog to appear. Within seconds, it was wreaking havoc on the beach-goers - throwing flaming projectiles at cars, vendors' huts and beach-side restaurants. People were running, screaming and dying, in all directions.

Quickly, I flew down to the feet of the monster - which towered a good 20 ft. above me - and began drawing its attention, evading its attacks and fighting back with telekinetic 'pushes' of my own. During our skirmish, I noticed something coming up out of the ocean, nearby. I knew, instinctively, that it was the Balrog that had attacked the off-shore rig. It was less fire-based - but still threw flames - and it was an absolute Colossus; easily 100 ft or more, compared to the other one, which stood at about 20 or so. Switching my attention from the first Balrog to the second, I flew directly up toward its head, cocked back an arm and unleashed a flying power-punch directly to the beast's face. Its head turned slightly to one side, but then it just glared back at me, ultimately unfazed. Flying higher, I moved just out of the taller one's reach. Hearing another explosion, behind me, I turned to see a third Balrog - just slightly bigger than the first - coming through its own fire, having just obliterated another handful of people who were trying to run away from the chaos.

The last thing I remember vividly, before waking, was hovering somewhat in the middle of this triangle of beasts, trying to think of the best plan of attack.I also know that there was a point where I slung a telekinetic wave of water up and around the biggest Balrog, to try and snuff out some of its flaming attacks, but the details of the rest of the fight are lost.

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