Tuesday, December 12, 2023

"Giving the Devil His Due" - 02/04/2014 (Lucid)

“Giving the Devil his Due"
Dream #2

I was in some sort of lake, in the middle of what looked to be a rather large neighborhood of multi-level apartments or condos. There were two companions with me - one male, and one female - who were dressed in sort of 'warriors' garb', and we were swimming across the lake, from one bank to another, beneath the clear, blue water. (I had been watching Thor 2, last night, and they seemed to be dressed in something Asgardians would wear.)

A low rumble cut through our swim, thundering from beneath us. Rock and silt began jetting up from the lake floor. At the bottom - which was maybe 20 ft deep or so - the ground began to give way, as if a massive sinkhole were opening up beneath the lake bed. Before long, I could tell that everything was actually getting sucked into this growing hole, like water flowing down a drain. We all began swimming as fast as we could toward the shore. Once close enough, we used our hands and feet to grip the lake floor and propel ourselves forward, faster than we were able to tread water. This did very little to help, though, as the ground, itself, began falling away like brittle pieces of dead tree bark. With still another 40 yards or so to go, before reaching the shore, I knew that we weren't going to make it.

I looked back and saw my companions trailing behind me, becoming lost in the silt and sucked down under the earth. I was sure that I would soon follow, but quickly came to the frantic realization that this had to be a dream. Mustering all of the willpower I could, I thrust myself upward, flying out of the water just before the swelling chasm swallowed me up as well. Now hovering over the still-draining lake, I could see that there was a strange, lava-like material that was oozing up out of the widening hole that used to be a lake. It sputtered and writhed about, like the waves of a stormy ocean, beneath me, spanning maybe 1/4 mile in diameter. I felt completely uncomfortable, hovering over this mystery muck, and I began flying toward the shore and tall apartment buildings that surrounded me on 3 of 4 sides. However, my flight was sloppy and sluggish, and I began wondering if I was going to sink down into whatever the hell this stuff was.

No sooner did I wonder about it than I began to see thick, snake-like appendages slithering out through the torrent. I didn't know what the hell it was, but I knew that there was something very large, and very much Alive, swimming about in this stuff that had come up through this hole that had swallowed the entire lake. The sky, I noticed, had turned a deep, fiery orange, as if the day had gone from noon to the most intense sunset in a matter of seconds. Even with my sudden rush of lucidity, the scale of this entire phenomenon was far too intimidating for me, and I scrambled through the air, trying desperately to reach the rooftops of one of the apartment buildings, if only so I could collect my thoughts enough to gain some control over this dream.

Finally, with the sounds of the earth still rumbling behind me, I hovered away from danger and pulled myself up onto the roof in front of me. When I turned around, I saw my two companions on another roof, nearby. They had turned to stone. Then, I caught sight of a gigantic figure slowly rising up from the center of the disturbance. It grew taller and taller - and I more wide-eyed - until the creature towered high over my head, lifting its humanoid torso from its tucked-over position and standing up straight. From as high upon the rooftop as I was, I couldn't even see the beast's feet; all I saw, instead, was the muscular upper-body of the biggest damn monster I could have imagined! Its back faced me, at an angle, but when it turned slowly to one side, and I could see the gigantic horns perched upon its head, I instantly knew that I was looking at the Devil, himself.

Still in awe, but gathering my wits about me, I pulled my eyes away from the demon long enough to stare at my hands, trying to stabilize and ground myself into the dream. I wanted to see where this story was going, and I damn sure didn't want to wake up prematurely. My hands looked wavy and deformed but, after a little concentration, I was able to pull them into focus, making sure to repeat "I'm dreaming. I'm dreaming," in order to keep myself from slipping out of lucidity as well.

Lucifer, lumbering tall above the center of the residential area, surveyed his surroundings, paying no attention to me, but seemingly focusing on the many buildings around him. I couldn't tell what he was doing, but I knew that he was 'up to something'. Thinking it better to stay out of sight, for the moment, I stepped over the edge of the roof and levitated down toward a window, a few feet below me. Looking inside, I saw that a T.V. was on, and I could see the figure of someone watching it, nearby. The T.V. was tuned to the news, and even though I couldn't see the screen, I could hear that there was a female reporter talking about how the apocalypse had just been proven a reality, as Lucifer had revealed himself to the Earth and was turning the populace into vile and hideous demons, by the hundreds. Just as she said this, the person inside had a visitor enter their apartment/condo, and it wasn't until they greeted each other that I could tell they were both deformed creatures, instead of human beings.

Suddenly, they noticed me noticing them. One of them hurriedly rushed toward a wall near the T.V., and lifted up a panel. I instinctively thought it was going for a weapon of some sort, and flew in through the window, immediately dropping my hands out of my field of view and imagining that I was holding a shotgun. The demon whirled around to face me as if taking aim, and I slung my arms back up, squeezing a trigger that wasn’t there and visualizing the shot. Boom. The demon flew back against the wall and slumped to the ground. With the gun now fully-materializing in my hands, I turned to face the other demon and did the same, blasting it away from me. That was when I noticed a third, smaller demon trying to escape the tiny living room. I reached out and grabbed it in both hands, holding it still and taking a good look. An ugly little bastard, who reminded me of a smaller version of the 'Mundus Spawn' in the game Devil May Cry (a boss battle that I spent a long time fighting, while playing DMC, this past Sunday).

Remembering the Dream Views Lucid Task of  the Month of February (which was to ask a dream character who your true love was), I said to the captive Demon “Tell me who my true love is!” With an agitated response, that sounded as if he was just throwing anything out, so that I would let him go, the squirming demon blurted out “The Young One!” I realized that I wasn’t really focusing on the question, when I asked him, and I took this to be some generic answer, which was probably talking about my daughter. I shook the demon, threatening and said something like “not good enough! Who is my true love??” I really focused on the question to mean love in a romantic sense. The demon said something like “[A friend’s name] will be the one who brings her to you!” Though still cryptic, I was satisfied with interpreting this to imply that this ‘True Love’ would be someone I haven’t met, yet, but would meet through this certain friend he named.”

Having gotten what I wanted, I let the demon go, and he scampered away. Still in the apartment, I decided that I should go back up to the roof and see what the giant Devil was doing. However, I wanted to prolong the dream for as long as possible, so I took another look at my hands. Again, they were morphing to and from normal hands, almost as if I were trying to keep from turning into a demon, myself. Once I brought them back into focus, I flew upward and through the ceiling, all the way to the roof. Lucifer, though, was nowhere to be seen.

Then, I felt two giant hands wrap around me from below, and I was suddenly being pulled down through the ceiling and the floors below me. Lucifer had gotten hold of me, and I ‘knew’ that he was about to try and drag me down to Hell. By this time, I had gained all confidence in my lucidity and, for a split-second, I actually thought it might be a fun twist for this dream. I remember yelling something along the lines of “Fine, let’s go on down to Hell!” But then, I realized how hard it might be to remember all of this, once I woke up, and I resisted. I slowed to a stop, coming back to rest in the same apartment in which I’d killed the demons, before.

Determined to get the last laugh, I reached down below me and grabbed for Lucifer’s head, willing for him to no longer be his giant self -which also stripped him of his horns - and pulling him up out of the floor. My final words to him were “actually, let’s not!” and I shoved his head into the T.V., which exploded into a shower of fire and sparks. Surprisingly, he let out an agonizing scream as he was electrocuted, and I immediately woke myself up.

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