Tuesday, December 12, 2023

"Deadpool Ruins Everything" - 01/24/2019 (Dream Chain)

"Deadpool Ruins Everything"
(Dream Chain)

Part 1:
I was part of an organization set up in a tall office tower. It was night out, and we'd been tipped off that someone was planning to infiltrate our building and steal some of our weapons technology. We were devising a plan to catch the thieves, setting up a trap, in the CEO's head office, and we brought in Tom Cruise to be a stand-in for the CEO, fitting him with a ridiculous wig and setting him in the boss's chair, his back facing the door. The rest of us hid, out of sight, and waited for the attempted heist that we knew was coming.

Before long, a woman walked into the boss's office. Since my vantage point was mostly at her back, once she came in, I was unable to see her face. From what I could recall, though, she had short, black hair and was wearing what looked like a white lab coat. She walked up to the back-turned boss's chair and issued some kind of threat or demand to him. Then, the chair spun slowly around and Tom Cruise revealed himself as an impostor, and the trap was sprung, thwarting the attempted robbery.

Part 2:
(I don't believe I awoke, between this dream and the previous one, but the scenario was so different that I can only count this as being a completely different dream, and not a continuation of the first.)

I was at a house party, in a suburban area. It was an overcast day, and everyone was still inside when I walked out to the carport. While outside, I was approached by a guy that seemed to have wandered up from off the street. He was a scruffy, leather jacket-wearing white guy, who looked like he could have been part of a biker stereotypical biker gang. He stepped up to me, rather arrogantly, and started spouting off about something. I don't remember whether he was being racist or just had some sort of issue with me and my friends (I distinctly remember him using some kind of "us vs them" rhetoric), but he was certainly challenging me, and I could tell that he was looking for a fight.

After a brief pause, just when it seemed as if he was contemplating swinging the first punch, he suddenly reached into his jacket, drew out a pistol, and just started firing off rounds, at point-blank range, just as I lurched away in shock. At least two of the shots hit me, around my left shoulder. It was a dull feeling of pressure, rather than any sharp pain, but I could immediately tell that I'd shot. I rolled behind something, for cover, and drew my own pistol, popping back out of hiding - just as he was reloading - and pulling the trigger in his direction. I'd forgotten to flick the safety, and the gun didn't fire. Then, I clicked the safety with my thumb and tried again. Nothing. There was no round chambered, which was unusual. While I fumbled with the weapon, trying to chamber a round, the guy finishes reloading and actually starts monologuing, while raising his gun back up at me - talking about how his choice of firearm was superior to mine and that's why he won this gunfight and blah blah. Before he could finish, though, I got the round chamber and started firing away, at him. I could see that I hit him a couple of times before he disappeared around a corner and ran off.

Still injured (which was a general feeling of being drained, rather than - again - any actual pain), but not about to just let this dude get away, I immediately started chasing after him. I saw him jump into an old car and speed off. I jumped into mine, parked nearby and took off after him. Speeding through the neighborhood, we took a turn, at the end of the street, onto a main road. I pulled out my tactical flashlight and attempted to zero-in on his rear-view mirror, to see if I could mess with his vision, while driving, but I don't think it was very effective. (It's something that I've thought about having to use for self-defense, in waking life.) The light was uselessly dim, though, and I remember trying to plug it in to my car charger. Luckily, he was approaching a traffic jam and had to cut off of the road, and through someone's yard, dipping back into the neighborhood on a parallel street to the one that we were recently on.

Cutting the corner and following behind him, I watched him bail out of the car and run between some of the houses, jumping out of my own car and following. A few people poked their heads out of their homes, to see what was going on, and I finally saw him, close to where we started. Another short firefight broke out, and I was able to put maybe five or so shots in him, dropping him down in the grass, dead. Not wanting to just leave the body in the yard, I - rather illogically - decided to drag it over to my car, thinking the trunk would be 'too conspicuous' of a place to leave him and, instead, dumping him into the back seat. Immediately after closing the door, I called the police to report what happened, citing self-defense, and walked back to the party house, nearby.

Back inside, the party was ongoing. I was still feeling weak from the bullets I'd taken, as I was telling my girlfriend, and friends, about what had happened. The front door opened, and a parade of about a dozen cops, in tactical gear, filed into the house. They began to walk right passed me, so I got up and walked over to them, telling them that I was the one who called in, and that I could take them to where the body was. The followed me out the back side of the house, and we walked across the yard toward the house behind us, since my car was still parked on the next street over. It was now night-time, and the yards seemed to stretch out for about half a football field. It seemed strange, to me, and oddly familiar. (What I didn't realize, until later, was that the yard and morphed into the courtyard outside of the tall office building from my previous dream.)

Coming around to the next street, still in the suburban neighborhood, despite the short view of the metropolitan courtyard, I led them toward my car. Walking in that direction, I started to see bright flashes of light, coming from inside my car. It was as if a flare was burning, or someone had turned on a strobe light. All I could see was the light, and it bathed out anything and everything inside. Then, I could just barely make out a figure in the flashes. At first, I thought it was the man whom I'd shot, but when I got closer, I could see that it was Deadpool. He was making these really animated, cartoonish gestures in the back window, at us, between the flashes, and the first thought to enter my mind was that he was going to screw with the evidence and ruin my self-defense case.

Now running, frantically, toward the car, I actually yelled out: "No no no no...WHY IS DEADPOOL HERE?? WHY IS HE HERE??!" I reached out and tried to open the rear, driver's side door, but the door just burst open, throwing me back to the roadway. Deadpool instantly popped out, armed to the teeth. The squad of cops saw him and immediately engaged. An absolutely insane battle broke out, right there on the street, and Deadpool absolutely wrecked these police officers. Gunfire and swords and explosions and body parts were just flying about this tempestuous cloud of white smoke under the streetlights. Within the fray, it seemed like Deadpool actually had help, as there was clearly some other figure in the battle, helping him out. I was thinking it might have been Cable or Domino, but I never actually saw them.

Suddenly, the back of my car just exploded in the battle and was flung across the street, toward me. I was still halfway sitting on the ground, and I was so in shock at everything I was witnessing, that I didn't even bother to move. The whole trunk area of my car was about to slam into me with what could have only been lethal force. Then, just before impact, the hunk of metal stopped as if it had been caught, mid-flight. I'm not sure if it was Deadpool that caught it, or his ally, but Deadpool was soon standing right beside me and leaning down in my face, saying something like: "Hey, next time something like that happens...try moving out of the way," in his trademark, jokester fashion.

The last thing I remember is him walking away, nonchalantly telling me that it was His team that attempted the heist of the office where I had been working (back in the first dream). He said that they already knew about the trap we were springing (which is what made me believe the woman in the lab coat was Domino - though I remained unable to actually see who he was with, presently), and that they were still successful in stealing the company's weaponry, which were the weapons they were just using against the police. 

  (I've had many cases of the narrative of separate dreams weaving themselves in with each other, but this one was probably my favorite. Absolutely nuts. Lol. Also, I've been painting a picture of Domino, lately, as well as looking through some great Deadpool cosplays, which would explain why the characters were on my mind.)

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