Tuesday, December 12, 2023

"Breakthrough in Lucidity" - 01/09/2005

"Breakthrough in lucidity."

(This was the first major lucid dream I've had in months, and the first in my dream journal. I'd always had sporadic lucid dreams, since I was a kid, but this is the first I've had since joining DreamViews and getting more serious about learning.) 

I had to save a friend of mine, traveling through some large, murky cave to do it. The ground was all covered in dark green water, seemingly deep enough to get lost in, if I'd fallen. Suspended in the air were many wooden platforms that could be used to jump from one, to another, in order to get through this huge cave tunnel that appeared to stretch into the darkness for miles. I began running, and jumping from platform to platform, much like you'd see in a third person video game, and after a few minutes of not seeming to make much progress, the picture began to fade. And as it was doing this, I became lucid, realizing that I must be dreaming because I was getting pulled slowly out of (dream state) consciousness. 
The environment was beginning to fade. So I spun around a few times and opened my eyes, standing on a wooden plank and looking around this massive cave, completely lucid. Every detail was perfect, I could hear droplets of the murky water beneath me, feel the cool breeze that was coming in through the mouth of the cave. It as all too realistic. I couldn't believe it. The feeling of being surrounded by a world completely created by my mind was too much.

Drawn, then, a little more into the dream aspect, I remembered my mission. So, instead of running and jumping from plank to plank, I looked down at the one beneath me and began to concentrate. Imagining the wooden plank lengthening at my feet, I made the plank stretch out into a long bridge which ran into the darkness. It was f'ckin incredible! So, I started running down this bridge, and then, still seeming to get not very far, I decided to try flying. Flying had always been hard, even since I was a little kid. But this time, I simply rose off of the wooden boards, slowly at first, but then took off like a rocket, flying down the long tunnel. Actually, I think it was that I was traveling so fast, why I woke up, but I never did find out how long that damn tunnel was. LOL.

But that was my first, real, vivid, lucid dream, where I completely had a chance to stop and look around. It was amazing.

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