Tuesday, December 12, 2023

"Deja Vu" - 11/17/2007 (Lucid)

"Deja Vu"

Another dream of dying, last night...

I was in a house with about three other guys - friends of mine, in the dream, but nobody that I can really recognize from waking life. We were simply hanging out, when some other young guy came bursting in through the front door. He had this maniacal look on his face -like some whacked-out mad scientist - and started telling us all about this “plan” that he had just put into effect. He dragged a body bag into the living room, and unzipped it, the body of some other teenage boy stuffed inside. The stranger said he’d killed the boy, to put his “plan” into motion, but I can’t remember what the hell plan he was trying to accomplish.

Immediately the rest of us started spazzing out, at the situation. We declared that the guy was a psychotic freak and we wanted nothing to do with whatever the hell his “plan” was. Then, a loud, female scream suddenly came in through the window, apparently from one of the houses next to us. The psycho looked at us and said something like “that must be his mother. Shit,” but in a really calm and almost businesslike way. The three of us, whom were already at the house when this guy showed up, suddenly scrambled. We ran out of the house, shooting off in different directions. Obviously, we just wanted to vacate the area, as quickly as possible.

When I figured I’d run far enough, I slowed down, pulled out my cell phone and dialed 911. Just as I was beginning to say that I wanted to report a murder, I saw that I was actually walking straight up toward the house again (I don’t remember ever turning around and going back toward it). Only, now, the house was swarming with cops cars and at least one S.W.A.T. van. Seeing that someone had already called the police, I told dispatch “nevermind,” and just hung up the phone. Then (without recalling the transition), I was suddenly in this house again. The cops had the crazy dude cornered, and he was keeping them at bay with a machine gun of his own. I got to a section of the house where I was right in the middle of their lines of sight (no one had fired yet) and ended up triggering them to fire on each other. (Don’t ask me how. I have no idea.) The strange guy was in one room, like a den, and the cops were in a bigger section of the house. There was nothing separating these rooms except a single vertical beam between two large sections of open space in the wall.

When the firing started, the single guy was on the opposite side of the beam from me, and I tried to squeeze behind it. Not only was I too wide for the thin beam, but it was made of wood, so with the half-dozen or so automatic weapons went off, I was in the worst possible spot. I ended up getting riddled with bullets from both sides; just completely shredded. None of the gunshots really 'hurt', but I could feel them going into me. I could feel that drained sensation, which I usually get when dreaming of death, beginning to creep over me. Finally, I stumbled out of the way, falling over, apparently dead.

I was suddenly out of my body, my perspective slowly zooming out, away from it. The firefight had stopped and the cops were inspecting my body. They lifted my shirt and I could see all the bloody bullet holes that covered my chest. I forget how it happened but (according to my notes), as a disembodied spirit, I learned, as the cops did, that the whole Murder/”plan” thing was nothing but a movie being shot. My friends and I had just somehow been thrown into the middle of it. When the cops were called, things got out of hand; the guy that was (supposedly) “doing a movie” actually had live ammunition, and it escalated from there.

In a flash, the entire dream reset. I was back in the house, with the rest of the guys, and the “killer” came through the door with the body. We heard the female scream from next door, and took off again, just like we’d done the first time. However, when I was pulling out my phone to call the police, I remembered that I had done this all before. I realized I was dreaming, and what had happened the last time. Now lucid, I made my way back to the house. On the way there, I tried flying a few times, but was having trouble getting off the ground, more than a few feet. Soon back in the house, I walked back into the same room where the guys were having their standoff. I talked to S.W.A.T. and said something to get them to keep from firing on this other guy, then turned to face him. He was, all of a sudden, around a corner - instead of right in front of me like he had been, the first time. When I turned the corner to confront him, he started shooting. Again, I was able to feel the bullets ripping into my torso, just like before. This time, though, unfazed, I continued moving forward, resolute in my knowledge that I was dreaming, and in no real danger.

Walking right up to the guy, I grabbed his machine gun and just took it from him, throwing it away. I then held him for the cops to come in, and take him down. It wasn’t until then, that the guy actually started explaining to me that the body was a prop for a movie (there was still no evidence of cameras anywhere, now that I think about it), and that he didn’t really murder anyone. He said that the only reason he even shot at me was that he was freaking out because he was scared that the cops were going to kill him, and just reacted when I started coming toward him.

That’s as far as I remember.

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