Tuesday, December 12, 2023

"Silent Hill 2.0" - 06/04/2006

“Silent Hill 2.0”

(Rather epic nightmare last night, but I can’t say I remember all the details.)

My mom, daughter and I were driving through some unfamiliar town. I believe we'd had a wreck, but I don't exactly remember it. During the ordeal, I believe I had blacked out, because the next thing I remember was being alone in the car. I know CJ was missing, but I think my mom was gone, too. Both their doors were wide open, and I think the vehicle was till in the middle of the road. I then got out of the car and began scouring this deserted old town  for them - which was layered with a light fog in the early morning. In the distance - on the other side of a tiny bridge that crossed over a small body of water, which reminded me of Italy’s roadside waterways - I could see CJ walking away from me. I called out for her, but she just kept on walking, not bothering to look back in my direction. Anxiously, I ran after her.

Before I knew it, she’d practically vanished. I’m not sure how I lost sight of her, but by the time I got to where she was before, she was nowhere to be seen. I began cautiously searching some of the buildings that lined what seemed like a Town Square area that I was in. I can vaguely remember being caught up in all kinds of freaky situations, within these buildings, but only one of them stands out enough to recall it:

I’d entered an old hospital (which has always been on my 'Places I Wouldn’t Want to Be Lost Alone In' list). Inside this building, there were a lot of people just walking around slowly...aimlessly. I didn’t pay anyone too much attention at all, at first, as my focus was on finding out if CJ had gone this way. It wasn’t until I was deep in this hospital that I began to take more notice of the people that were shuffling all around me. They were all dead. Every one of them was a reanimated corpse that milled about pointlessly, like zombies do. Some of them were limping around and making moaning and gurgling noises that were beginning to dominate the already eerie silence that was all I really heard before realizing that these were the undead walking about.

Despite how uncomfortable this made me feel, I decided to endure this mindf’ck in order to continue searching the hospital for CJ, trying as best I could to stay as far away from these zombie-things as possible. At this time, I’m sure I didn’t know I was dreaming, but I purposefully directed my awareness away from the walking corpses, hoping that my refusal to acknowledge them would have the same effect on their attention towards me. It seemed to work, as not many of them bothered me during my search. After I’d found no sign of CJ - and had had enough of this place - I tried to run as fast as I could back out of the hospital. I experienced the 'my feet won’t let me run” phenomenon (which doesn’t happen to me too often) and it was like I was running through an invisible adhesive. With this new set-back on my mind, I vaguely remember that the zombies began to notice me and were beginning to (slowly) reach out for me, the closer I got to the door. I exited the hospital without having any real run-in’s with them, though.

There was a short transition, and it was nighttime outside, now. Somehow, I’d gotten information from somewhere about my mom and CJ being trapped up in some strange hilltop cavern or something like that. I made my way up there, and down into the cavern where I eventually found them. Though I can’t remember how, a mob of mostly older men tried to stop us from escaping. There was a rocky slope that we were going to have to walk up, to get back out of the cavern, because the way around it - and back the way we came - was now guarded by this mob. Out of the rocks on the slope, came these huge 4- or 5-inch, organic spikes. They were arranged like two columns of a checkerboard, but only two squares wide, and went up to about 10 squares in length. They were also mechanized, so that the spikes on what would be all the black squares (on a checkerboard) would stand up for about 3 seconds - then it would switch, and all the spikes that would be on red squares would stick up, while the others retracted. (Typical video game booby trap.)

I somehow calculated that CJ would be light enough to where the spikes wouldn’t penetrate her shoes, and she went first. She’d made it to the top with very little trouble. Mom went next and I believe she got stuck a few times, but didn’t make too much of it and made it to the top. I assessed the trap and tried to time my steps to the rhythm of the alternating spikes. I failed, though, and a curved spike shot clean up through the bottom of my foot, so deep, in fact, that I could see the tip of it sticking up out of the top of my shoe. The pain was unbelievably vivid. Wondering how the hell my mom did it, I fell backward and all of the captors started laughing. The spike broke off in my flesh, and I reached down under my shoe and pulled the entire length of the needle out of my foot. I could feel every inch of it slide through the skin. No pain this time, just annoyance. If I remember correctly, I told CJ and my mom to hurry up and get to the car and lock all the doors.

If I’m not mistaken, I’d ended up brawling with this mob of like 12 guys and somehow managed to get out of the cavern alive. I just don’t remember actually doing it. I did emerge from the cave holding someone’s knife, though, and ran to a nearby car (not sure if it was the one we came in or not) but I could tell that there was a struggle going on, and my mom and CJ were screaming.

As I got closer, I could see that Jason Voorhees (Friday the Thirteenth) was attacking the car. ( ....I can never get a break!) He was halfway in the driver-side door and trying to slice and stab whomever was in the driver’s seat. Without his noticing my approach, I ran up behind him, hooked my arm across his neck and stabbed in through the side of his throat with the knife, then I peeled my arm back the other way around the circumference of his neck and took his head clean off his shoulders. The body dropped, before the head and hockey mask hit the ground, and rolled to a stop.

I saw that my mom’s old boyfriend (who’d just recently come back into the picture, yesterday) was the one in the driver's seat. I think he might have been the one who brought me up to the cavern in the first place, but I’m not sure. We went speeding through the night, away from the cavern, on the road that led out of the town. However, with no warning whatsoever, our car zoomed right off a broken section of road (like the cliff in the game and movie that, just "appeared" out of nowhere), tumbling down into darkness, screaming.

The next thing I knew, it was daytime again. Once more, the area was covered with fog, and I was just waking up in the back seat of the car. All three of their doors were open, and I was alone….

…in the exact same spot where I’d started the dream off before.

Just as I was making my decision to get out and search for everyone. I woke up.

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