Tuesday, December 12, 2023

"Dreamworld Trickster" - 08/04/2008 (Lucid)

"Dreamworld Trickster"

(I don’t remember very much of this one at all, but it was interesting.)

There was some young guy running around my old neighborhood, causing trouble. He was a “metaphysical” character and could change the dream scene as much as he wanted. I remember walking out into my garage, with a bunch of the neighborhood crew hanging around outside. This mischievous guy appears and starts “causing trouble.” (My notes just say “causing trouble.” I really don’t know or remember what I meant by that, or what the guy was actually doing.)

I ended up becoming lucid while dealing with this stranger. I believe it was watching him do the impossible that brought me to the realization I was dreaming, but I’m really not exactly sure. In any case, I got into an argument with him, and told him that he was just a DC, and I had more control over all of this than he did. I suddenly felt the world spin, and the guy had disappeared as if he melted away into the scenery, in the blink of an eye. I turned around, myself, looking for him. He was nowhere to be seen, but I noticed that there was a new addition to the group of people around me. It was a thick, black woman, and she was standing much closer to me than anyone else around us – close than I remembered having seeing someone, before. I called out that I knew that this woman was the guy, who was causing all the trouble, in a transformed state. She tried to deny it for so long, but I told myself that I could ruin the illusion and strip him off the ability to force me to see his disguise, because it was my dream. (It’s funny that I still treat him as a separate entity, even though I’m lucid. Completely unintentional, but it does make it more interesting. Haha.)

Asserting myself, I visualized the disguise failing. It was like struggling against someone in a mental arm-wrestle, because the command just didn’t want to work upon the first attempt. Finally, it was like the body of the guy just kinda “sewed itself” into the place of the woman. He was really pissed that I ruined his illusion. I don’t remember anything after that.

(My notes also say something about being back in my old house and our cats trying to get some food that was on the counter, but that’s pretty much all I remember about that, anyway.)

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