Tuesday, December 12, 2023

"Lone Wolves" - 09/22/2006

”Lone Wolves”

(Had another dose of B-6 and another wild one last night. I can only remember the overall theme of this one, though, not really too many of the details. I wish I could, though, because it had a pretty incredible story-line.)

A(n unfamiliar) girl and I were in love with each other. We lived in either a snow-covered forest, or high in the mountains (or the forest on a mountain?) or something. I don’t remember if I was there to witness it, but I was aware that she had been attacked by a huge wolf/creature that had been lurking in the woods. I believe it attacked her while I was with her, but I just was not able to save her. (That part of the dream is a blur.) Whatever the case, she just went missing, after the attack, for a really long time.

Time passed (skipped ahead) and, after succumbing to the reality that she had died, I ended up in another relationship, having never lost feelings for the previous one. Her memory was still very heavy on my mind, even as I was going forward with this new girl. I’d given the new girl numerous warnings about the thing(s) that obviously lived out in the woods, but I don’t know if I ever brought up the whole ordeal about what happened to the girl before her. Every now and then, we’d be out and around the house, remaining on high alert whenever it was night time.

The huge wolf creature then began to appear, night after night, and it would send us running for our lives. We would hear it howl, from a distance, and then it would immediately appear nearby, stalking toward us like small, helpless game. My girl would scream in terror, while she ran toward the house, and I would do whatever I could to stay between her and the wolf as I ran on her heels, fleeing the beast. We would get inside and barricade the door, and the wolf/beast would start pounding and clawing at it, giving off the most desperate and piercing howls as it tried with all its might to get to inside our home.

This went on for a couple of nights in a row, and, each time, the wolf eventually gave up and took off into the woods by dawn. The last time this occurred, all I remember is the wolf finally breaking through the door and charging us – me, specifically. I’m sure I put up a fight, but I don’t remember any of it. I do, however, know that I was eventually overpowered, because I wound up being knocked unconscious.

After that, I remember a short, hazy sequence of running through the woods, at night, with this wolf/creature...as its ally. I don't recall any of the details of this part, at all. It was more just the 'sensation' of what happened.

The next thing I knew, I was waking up in a cave, more or less naked, and sprawled out in the snow next to an iced-over pool of water. I tried to remember how the hell I got there but only vaguely remembered traveling to, and into, this cave that now had a big slab of rock covering the entryway and sunlight seeping in from [somewhere]. Then, I suddenly remembered that the wolf/creature had been in there with me, that previous night. I looked around the cave for the beast, and there, in the snow not far away from me, was another figure. However, it wasn’t a massive, fur-covered man/wolf. It was a human. A female human.

As she woke up, I could tell that it was the woman that I’d lost all that time ago. We got to talking and she explained how she was merely turned by the first creature, not killed. All of the subsequent 'attacks', after I’d brought the new girl to my place in the mountains, weren’t really attacks by the original beast. It was this, same girl, who was simply wanting to be close to me. For some reason, she’d only been able to come down out of this cave at night as a werewolf, not as her human self in the daytime. I don’t know the reason why, though. She told me how she was conscious through many of her transformations and all the howling we’d heard her doing, as a wolf, were the solemn cries of a broken heart, not that of a raging killer. I believe she told me that she’d turned me because it was just too hard living without me, being what she was. She probably didn’t come down as a human because that would have meant having to try to explain what she was, and being treated by me like a filthy monster. So, she did the only thing she could do, living with the torment she was carrying, and turned me into what she was, hoping that I would understand. I had become a werewolf the night that she broke in and abducted me (in much the same manner that she was taken from me) and I’m pretty sure that it was in being a wolf that I remember that hazy scene of running through the woods with her.

She was desperate that I understood. I did,and I was happy to be back with her, whatever the cost.

More time passed, and there was a later scene where I’d come down out of the woods, in the daytime, as a human, and ventured into civilization. I was determined to not just disappear from the newer girl, that I’d been taken from, without letting her know something about what had happened. I caught back up to her in a small, nearby, town. She was in a store parking lot and had a guy with her. It was actually a fellow DreamViews Member: 'SKA'. She’d started a relationship with him, while I was gone, just like I’d once done with her.

I remember that her reaction to seeing that I was still alive, and my trying to explain where I’d been (though I don’t think I told her the 'complete' truth), was kinda like “Yeah, yeah. Oh, well. I’ve moved on,” which didn’t upset me, at all, seeing as how I had already ended up with who I'd truly loved, in the first place.

(Original Artwork, based on dream.)

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