Tuesday, December 12, 2023

"Fatal Attraction" 04/24/2007 (Lucid)

"Fatal Attraction"

(Another vivid B6 dream.)

I was in a mansion, standing just at the door to my room, looking out into the hall. I could tell there were a lot of people roaming around this mansion, and it had the atmosphere of a college dorm or frat house. It was obviously late in the night, and the hallway lights were out. From one of the rooms in the hallway, a girl (that looked a lot like a friend of mine, now that I think about it) in a green belly-shirt and black pants comes out, closing the door behind her. She saw me, smiled, and started walking my way, seductively. I could tell that she was coming from another guy's room, but I really didn't care. From the way we were eyeballing each other, I could tell that we were going to be getting to know each other very quickly.

Before I knew it, we were on my bed, making out, and damn was it good. It was definitely one of the best make-out sessions I think I've ever had, whether in a dream or in waking life. I could smell her hair and she was small, but slightly thick, and her skin felt so good. One thing was quickly leading to another and just as she was about to make her way south, my perspective changed to the outside of the mansion.

There was a wingless, dark, stone gargoyle on the roof that was near a huge clock. The clock struck a certain hour and bells started tolling. With it, the gargoyle statue started to move, and the outside of the entire mansion began changing in appearance. The flawless facade of the mansion took on an old, condemned look - solid stone walls replaced with rotting wooden boards and broken windows. Also, an attic door (something like the one in the movie House on Haunted Hill, which my friend and I had been talking about, over the weekend) opened up behind the gargoyle. The gargoyle then turned, slowly, and walked in through the opening. This (approx) 10 foot beast was now in the mansion.

My perspective switched back to first-person and, right on cue with the tolling of the bells, the girl starts acting really creepy. She was getting this evil little tone to her pillow-talk. I can't remember what all she was saying, though. I do know that it ended up with her pulling two bloody, human organs from [somewhere?] and dropping them down on me, laughing wickedly. She implied that they were taken out of the guy in the previous room, after she'd had her way with him, and that I was next. She then leaned down over me and forcefully tried to kiss me. As she was doing this, her mouth started oozing blood that I can only assume was not her own.

I threw her off of me and made a break for the door, terrified into into a shred of awareness at this supernatural transformation the entire situation had taken. I think I was beginning to realize I was dreaming (but to a small enough extent to say I wasn't yet lucid) and headed straight for a wall, in the hallway. Overwriting doubt, I lunged at the wall and crashed straight through it, effortlessly. I then crashed through wall after wall, until I was outside.

Outside, it was now day time. I was (still) running my ass off and there happened to be a train station right outside the mansion. I was trying to make the train and could see it just beginning to pull away, as I got closer. Also coming closer to lucidity, and suspending doubt, I jumped at the train and drove my fingers into its steel side like Wolverine's claws, hanging onto the side of the train as it sped up, away from the station. I then crawled, sideways, along the face of the train and then up to the roof of the car. While atop the train, I finally came to what I believe was my first true realization that I was actually dreaming. Having been on all fours, I was no longer worried about falling off the train, and stood up, surfer-style. It was all completely immersive. I could feel the wind whipping by me, and the subtle movements of the train, beneath my feet.
I don't know if I heard her voice or what, but something made me turn around, and I saw the girl from the room crawling up on top of the train, behind me. She was talking a lot of shit, that I can't remember, but I basically told her that I knew this was all just a dream, and that she posed no threat to me.

I then turned back around, ignored her, and just enjoyed riding on top of the speeding train.

That's all I remember.

(Can't help but wonder what would have happened with that gargoyle...)

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