Tuesday, December 12, 2023

"Pest Control" - 03/26/2007 (Lucid)

"Pest Control"

I know that this dream was pretty long and that there was something pretty adventurous going on, but it's all forgotten. It had something to do with running through a mixture of my old neighborhood and downtown DeLand, if I’m not mistaken. 

The only thing that really stands out, in my memory, is when I’d gone into a friend’s garage to get something. I had a flashlight in my hand and there were all these little black bugs crawling around in the garage. What I was looking for was in an overturned box on the floor. As soon as I touched the box, this flood of bugs came streaming out of it, toward me – so many that they started covering the ground to a degree where you couldn’t see the floor between them. Their numbers reminded me of the hordes of flesh-eating scarabs on The Mummy, but these were much smaller. Still, I started backing up, toward the door, and I think it was now closed behind me, because I was feeling boxed in, and the surge was coming closer. 

Suddenly, having not really realized I was dreaming, yet, I forcefully willed the bugs to stop. It was as if, without being lucid, my desire for them to leave me alone suddenly caused them to halt, just a few inches from my feet. 

It was then that I realized I was dreaming. A bit fascinated by this, I began to exert control over the swarm of bugs, moving them left to right, forward and backward, across the floor. They moved in their eerily organized formation – a few of them leading, with the rest of the mass following, all around the ground, acting like a real community of bugs under my influence. It was pretty creepy, but incredible. 

Unfortunately, as soon as I stopped playing with the bugs, and walked out of the garage, my alarm went off and woke me up.

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