Tuesday, December 12, 2023

"Floodwaters" - 11/08/2005 (Lucid)


(I'm starting to set my alarm at 3:30 to wake up and see if I can increase my recall. It was a little rough waking up the first time, and I lost the dream I'd had, but I remember the end of the second session of dreaming, and had set the clock again after that, for one more round.)

The second session's dream ended with some strange guy following us around. I think it was my friend, T, that I was talking to, while walking, with this other guy doing weird, nonsensical shit, like rowing a boat down the street behind us, despite there being no water around. Anyway, this brother kept following us around, singing some old, slow blues as we walked a road surrounded by grass and plush trees. It all felt very "Louisiana," for various reasons.

Without warning, that feeling was practically confirmed, as I was instantly teleported into a house filled with murky water. I sort of 'awoke', on my back, looking upward and completely submerged in what I knew to be Gulf waters. There was a lifeless figure on top of me, and I pushed it up with my hands as I tried to free myself from the watery tomb. A little bit of light was showing in through one of the submerged windows, and the greenish rays fell over the figure and revealed it to be the man that was following T and I through the - otherwise peaceful - scene, before. The man was certainly dead, now, though; long since drowned and waterlogged. He skin was black, before, but it had taken on a really pale sort of spoil, upon his drowning.

Alarmed at the fact that I was still submerged, and not yet aware that I was dreaming, I pushed the body off of me and swam up to my feet. For some reason, I'd continued to hold onto the - now severed - head of this dead guy, as I swam through the living room and toward the front door. Ironically, instead of trying to immediately exit the totally-flooded house, I searched, with my free hand, for the light-switch. I could see around me, just a little, but everything had a dark green murk to it, since the entire house was underwater.

Finally finding the switch, I tried to flick the light on. Nothing happened. (Funny, how I expected the lights to work in a house filled with water. Lol.) Then, even though they wouldn't have worked, anyway, realization started coming in to me. I stopped and was thinking thinking to myself "Hmmmm....why the hell aren't the lights working?" It was then that the dead, severed head, that was still in my hand turned upward, just slightly, and said something like: "Because we're underwater, genius." Simultaneously, I'd realized that I was breathing under water. All three of these occurrences were, finally, enough to grant me lucidity, and it seemed that they triggered the realization that I could hear the binaural beats that I'd decided to experiment with (using headphones, as I fell asleep). Annoyed, for the last time by this "random guy," even after his not-so-permanent death, I was just tired of looking at him and ready to wake up. So, I did.

(After waking, shortly, I slipped back into about an hour's worth of HI and short dream sequences. Nothing really stands out enough to write down, though.)

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