Tuesday, December 12, 2023

"Music Soothes the Savage Hulk" - 09/15/2006

"Music Soothes the Savage Hulk"

(I had some Calea Z, and a pretty wild, very vivid dream, last night.)

It began in - what seemed to be - this experimental-weapons warehouse. T was there, and so was someone else, on our side. I don't know how it started, but there was a fight between the three of us and another guy. Not sure what his role was, before we started fighting, though. I do know that, before all this, this guy ended up drinking some kind of serum. It made him grow to about 20 feet tall, and made his muscles impossibly huge. In short, he was like the incredible hulk, with the same uncontrollable rage, but taller, and without the green.

We escaped to the outside of the warehouse, and he thundered after us. Running along the length of the building's exterior, we saw an open cargo door and looked inside. There were all these weird looking rocket launchers, stowed within. We each grabbed one and started firing them back toward this giant, but I think they kept malfunctioning, because all I remember seeing was smoke and sparks coming out of the barrels. We quickly abandoned them.

Anyway, somehow, we were able to defend ourselves long enough to make it to the car, and we drove back to my house. This guy, of course, stayed on our tails - running, impossibly fast, down the highway - and we ended up bringing the fight back to my neighborhood. (Weird thing was: I had a neighbor, to the left side of my house, that's not there IRL, since I live on a corner. It was a big, two story house.)  The dream and fighting went on, through the night. There was a time that we even ran into the neighbor’s house, and the giant chased us by crashing straight through the living room wall. (I just don't remember too many details of the fighting, though, because my recall really sucks, lately.) Some time during the night (“night”meaning: 'nighttime, in the dream'.) the neighbor had joined our side and ended up finding a way to control this hulking guy..with music.

Next thing I knew, it was the following morning. I remember I had family members that I don't have in real life. Coming outside, after having been split away from my family during the night fight with the giant, we were all reunited, on my front porch, glad to see that everyone was alive. The fighting was so intense, and our adversary had been so massive, that we ended up destroying both the neighbor’s entire house, and my front yard. There was about a 10' x 15' ft crater in my lawn, and people from all over my neighborhood were passing by my house and just staring, slack-jawed, at all the damage. A couple of guys actually came up and started asking questions, in awe, about what the hell happened. I began to explain, and they just kind of stared at me in disbelief at my answer. I began hearing music and loud footsteps coming around the corner and smiled, telling the two strangers to sit tight for a moment, and they'd understand.

From around the corner came my neighbor's station wagon. (The neighbor that doesn't exist in real life.) He was driving really slowly and carrying a trailer with a bunch of tools and whatnot. Then, behind the car, trailed the Hulkian giant, carrying large piles of wood and other building materials, soothed and entranced by the music that was playing from my neighbor’s car. I could see that, as he was coming closer, he’d begun shrinking a little. Since his rage was being pacified, he was losing a lot of the chemical reaction that made him grow (much like the Hulk). My neighbor decided to use the last of whatever juice the giant had to help fix the damage that was done to our property.

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