Tuesday, December 12, 2023

""God of War' Monsters" - 04/09/2007 (Lucid + Incubation)

"'God of War' Monsters"
Dream #1
(Lucid + Incubation)

(I took a dietary supplement before bed, last night, and had a pretty long night of lucids. Unfortunately, I was also dead tired, when I went to sleep, and slept like a rock. I woke up a few times during the night but never got up to record my dreams, so my recall is horrible. So, I borrowed God of War for the PS2, yesterday, from a friend of mine, since I never got the chance to beat it. While playing it, I decided to try setting in my mind the intention to have a God of War related dream. I was a little doubtful that it would work, so well, but I ended up having a GoW dream, as well as becoming lucid.)

The first thing I remember is being in a long, dimly-lit hallway, that was about as wide as half a football field and was so long that it stretched on into darkness for - what seemed like - ever. My mom was with me, and I'm pretty sure her boyfriend was, too. We were going, one way, down this hallway when a swarming stampede of people appeared, running our way, out of the dark, screaming in sheer panic. Their clothing was kind of obscure but they seemed like villagers, of some sort, and all wore almost the same tone of dull-green. The three of us turned around and ran, in fear of being trampled by this mob. Leading the way, I told mom and her boyfriend to cut around the next corner, as I could see that the hallway dropped off into a canyon, and hanging a left was the only way to not fall. As we turned the corner, we looked back for the crowd and, mindlessly, they all continued running, in hysteria, and plummeted, one after the other, over the edge. Completely shocked by this, I suddenly realized I was dreaming.

I was instantly curious as to what everyone was running from, so I walked back around the corner. Coming out of the dark, I could see three large figures, stalking right along next to each other. I immediately recognized them as beasts from God of War. I can't really remember what the other two were, but I know one of them was a Medusa. Anxious for a lucid fight, I took the time out to stop and look at my hands, in order to solidify the dream. My fingers were bent in all kinds of weird directions. I got side-tracked for a moment, while looking at my hands, trying to visualize my fingers stretching and tying themselves in a knot; couldn't make it happen, though. So, with every detail much more clear, now, I turned my attention back toward the three monsters and started running toward them.

One of the beasts threw a spinning wheel of a glowing, energy-based weapon at me. Without even thinking twice, I put up my hands in front of me, to block it. The weapon slammed into my hands and started grinding against them while it continued to rotate at high-speed. The sound was like a metal wheel scraping up against a metal barrier, and sparks were flying from the point of impact. It was pretty badass. I then threw my hands to the side - making the wheel go flying off, harmlessly, in that direction - and kept fighting. I don't remember much of the fight, except for that I was doing some of the crazy multi-directional dives/rolls/evades like Kratos does on the game. I also ended up with a weapon of some sort, but instead of the Blades of Chaos - the two swords, attached to chains, that Kratos uses in the game - I got some sort of flaming disc attached to a chain. Sort of like a blazing version of Rygar's Sheild.

I'm not sure if it was sometime during the fight or after, but I tried dream spinning, and ended up killing the dream.

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