Tuesday, December 12, 2023

"Interceptor" - 11/22/2005 (Lucid)


(Well, I've been awake for about 14 hours now, so I can hardly remember a thing, at the time of making this journal entry. I remember gaining lucidity, about two or three times during the night. I don't think either instance was prompted by Reality Checks - I simply remembered to recognize when I was dreaming, and I was able to do so.)

At some point, I remember flying. I'd planned to get to the sun, so I could complete the Advanced Lucid Task (which was to fly to the sun, break off a piece, and bring it back to Earth), and I was flying higher than I think I ever have. It was daytime, out,  and there was an amassing of huge, white clouds set against a bright blue sky. I don't remember too much of the flight, but I recall being intercepted by someone, before I was able to reach the atmosphere. I don't know who this guy was - whether some established character, or just one that my subconscious came up with - but we started fighting in mid-air, for some unknown reason. I remember him either kicking or punching me downward at a 45 degree angle that it sent me down toward the earth like a meteor - very Dragon Ball Z-style. I was able to gain a pretty good amount of flight control, which is a good improvement for me, curving my trajectory to skim my back, a few inches above the ground, and came to a smooth hover, looking up as the guy came down toward me. 

Again, I don't remember too much of the fight near the ground, but I was able off a move that I did in one of my recent nightmare-turn-lucid dreams: I grabbed him by the throat, jumped into the air with my other hand cocked back and spiked him down toward the ground, with my fist, like a volleyball. He wasn't able to right himself and slammed into the ground, making a crater in the earth that swallowed him beneath the settling rocks. I think I tried to make my way back up to the sun after that, but I don't remember anything else.

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