Tuesday, December 12, 2023

"Higher Learning: Apocalypse" - 02/27/2006

“Higher Learning: Apocalypse”

(Another intense Calea dream.) This one started off on a college campus. There was some sort of rally planned on the football field, and we were all gathering up and waiting for it to start. There were hundreds of people out there - everybody just kinda doing their own thing for a while. T and I were talking about something or other, when a few men appeared high upon one of the walls surrounding the football field. It started off pretty benign. The khaki-clad, Caucasian speaker started yelling something that wasn't all too interesting, in the beginning, though I can't remember what he was saying.

After a couple of minutes, it seemed he was about to give praise to one of the star athletes of the school. He started quoting the guy's stats and whatnot as a section of the field opened right in the middle of the crowd, the crowd stepped back, in a wide circle, and gave this door room to open. I was near enough to the middle of the crowd to be able to look between the bodies of the people just in front of me, and see a large, black athlete poised and ready for the platform below him to lift and carry him up into the viewing range of the public. This is where the dream goes south.

It turned out that this rally was actually a neo-nazi rally. (There was one out here in Orlando on Saturday, I hear.) The dialogue turned into one of dissent and hatred, giving the minority of people in the audience - those that actually sided with the neo-nazis - a hell of a rouse. Scattered fists were starting to pump in the air, met sporadically with the heil Hitler gestures and the throbs of "white power!" A final command was given from the top and the crowd looked up to see a slab of concrete the size of a small car - flung from a catapult - arcing down towards us like a meteor, threading the eye of the crowd and crashing mercilessly into the hole in the ground where the athlete had stood in wait - crushing him flat. Terror made the entire crowd pulse backward from the center, in all directions, at once, just as the sounds of assault rifles filled the air - unseen bullets raining down into select areas of the crowd while we scattered. Passing the people that were once behind me, I could see that a few of the neo-nazis that were in the crowd had begun to fight and kill whoever it was they saw as their enemy, and was within reach. It didn't matter if you were a different race, sexual orientation, or were simply standing in the wrong part of the crowd. You were a target. With all of the people there, this would have looked like something out of Braveheart, if there was machine gun fire on the battlefield in the movie. It was chaos.

I ran across the football field and got to the fence on the other side. I instinctively tried one of those long jumps that I've been able to do often in my dreams, even though I wasn't quite conscious yet that I was dreaming. I jumped a good 50 feet or so, but came crashing to the ground about 10 feet away from the fence. Lol. Now, standing at the bottom, I jumped up and grabbed the top of the high fence and swung my legs over the other side. I didn't land all the way at the bottom, though, and sort of hung on to the fence with my hands and feet, which reminded me of Spider-Man. Able to see through the fence to from where I'd just come, I watched the slaughter ensue. More, hidden weapons had been broken out. This was the beginning of neo-nazi revolution and their numbers were coming out in waves. Apparently still thinking of Spider-Man, I began scrambling horizontally along the fence, and even used webbing to get from the fence to the trees on the other side of the yard. (Though, of course, none of this was able to make me realize I was dreaming. Lol. I just remained stuck in the 'auto-pilot' mode of non-lucidity.)

T and I rendezvoused later, and a lot went on that I don't remember too much of. I recall searching for my daughter. For some reason, I was calling for 'Sara', instead of her actual name - which sounds close - and I remember having to hand-to-hand a bunch of nazis as I was roaming this campus looking for my daughter. (It is only now, after waking up, that I realize I was even searching for my daughter, because in my dream I was calling out Sara instead of her real name.) What was even stranger is that when I finally found her, she was a teenager. If it wasn’t for the lingering impact of finding and embracing her, in tears, I wouldn’t even know, now, who it was I had been searching for. There is no doubt it was an older version of my daughter. Everything after that is really hazy. I remember we had to leave the city, as this was a sort of civil unrest that was starting to spread across various other cities and states in the northeast. Strange, though, that the city was up north, rather than Florida. I remember getting on a subway with my daughter, T, and some of our other friends to escape the rioting towns, and we headed out west.

That’s about all I can remember.

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