Tuesday, December 12, 2023

"Superlucidman" - 08/14/2006 (Lucid)


(Had some B6, Melatonin, and a pretty fuckin tight Superman lucid last night. Unfortunately, I hadn’t gotten much sleep this weekend, and went back to sleep after the dream, instead of writing it down, so most of it is already forgotten.) 

I was in some old town with an unfamiliar girl and a few friends. There was a lot that had gone on before my first few memories of this dream, something that I think had to do with me using powers in some sort of situation. Anyway - from the point where I can remember - we were in this town that seemed to have a history of being constantly raided by “treasure hunters” and "bandits", as we were being told. There was a lot of [something?] hidden away within the mountains and desert which the town was built upon. We’d made friends with a few of the townspeople - one of which was this really attractive, short-haired chick (who looked a lot like THIS picture of Jessica Alba) - and were being invited to a major event at an absolutely incredible, old theater, or casino, or something. I don’t remember what kind of building it was, but I know it was like 20 floors high, with a large column cut down the center of the building, from roof to floor, creating a void so that you could be on any level and - from the indoor balconies - see any other floor in the cylindrical building. The entire place was decorated in ivory, gold, and white paint. An enormous chandelier hung from the roof, stretching halfway down the length of the middle area, toward the floor, a few stories away from the ground.

We were walking up a staircase to get into this building, along with a train of strangers; a staircase that scaled up the side of a canyon, into the mountains, upon the facade of which the building sat. The pathway was very narrow, but people were very patiently filing up toward the door. I realized I was dreaming while waiting to get in the door, looking out over this grand view and slowly moving up a few steps. Again, there was no real cue. I was just suddenly aware I was dreaming. (That has been happening a lot more often, lately, which is good! ) I kept repeating to myself “I’m dreaming, I’m dreaming, I’m dreaming” as I continued on up the steps, and when I got to the top, I let my friends go ahead of me and I leaned against the wall near the doorway, taking a moment to still myself and try to solidify the dream (which I noticed was getting a little hazy). I started looking down at my hands which seemed pretty normal (as my hands usually do in dreams, aside from a few occasional, subtle alterations), except that the contours of my fingertips were very vivid and exaggerated, waving around just a little bit as if I were tripping. My focus on this brought the rest of the world, in my peripherals, completely clear. When I stopped looking at my hands, I felt grounded to the dream to such a degree that I didn’t have to continue to remind myself that I was dreaming (which is something I’d been intending to do, so I’m glad it worked. Heh).

I caught up to my friends and we sat down at one of the tables on a high level of the building. A show started, but I can’t remember what the hell it was about. I remember thinking to myself that I felt kind of like Clark Kent, because I knew I was dreaming, and had all of this “superhuman” potential in the situation, but I was keeping it low-key, because I was really enjoying the dream as it was and didn't want to change anything. Then, after a while (inevitably), there came a sound like an explosion. A band of thieves were flooding the entire building with water, from the bottom up, trying to terrorize the townsfolk into giving them information that would lead them to whatever was buried around here. (A bit overkill, really. Lol.) It was utter chaos, of course, people screaming, panicking, falling from balconies and through crumbling wooden decks, landing in the water that was rushing in and pooling up, hundreds of feet below. I think the floor under our table split apart or something, because, the next thing I remember was my date falling all the way down into the water that was rushing in on the ground level. I also remember diving down through the debris after her, the many tiers of the building whizzing up past me before landing in the water, which only came up to about my shoulders.

It was then that our identities seemed to change into actual Superman characters. When I started looking around, I felt as if I was actually looking for Lois, instead of whoever my previous date was. (Even throughout this change of my perceived identity, I never really forgot I was dreaming, for longer than a couple of seconds at a time.) When I found her (can't remember if she looked like Lois or not), I could see one of the thieves pointing his gun at her back, from a distance. He fired, and I dove in that direction with my arm out, catching the bullet in my palm just before splashing back into the water. For some strange reason, though, she was still hit. I think she died, actually. I remember coming up out of the water and seeing her dead and being like 'WTF?! I CAUGHT IT!! THAT WAS CHEAP!!' (Lol.)

Before I could do anything about it, though the thieves did something to drain the water back through the underwater tunnels that snaked all through the mountains. I could feel myself getting sucked into a current. I tried to fly out, but couldn’t, getting pulled further under and toward a narrow hole. Being in this water, and knowing it was a dream, the thought of underwater creatures crept into my mind. (I was just went swimming at Blue Spring, over the weekend, and had a feeling that a “water dream” wasn’t going to be far away, since it’s been so long since I swam in that kind of environment.) Before I knew it, the water was littered with alligators. I ended up smacking into one that I couldn’t see, because the water was so dark, and it turned around and snapped at me. We started fighting underwater while this current sucked us into the hole. Being wrapped up in the intense situation caused me to forget that I was dreaming, but for only a moment. I almost started to freak out about not being able to breathe as this tunnel was completely filled with water, with no end in sight. Then the realization returned to me like the flick of a switch; I remembered again, “oh yeah, I’m dreaming!” No longer worried about drowning or being eaten alive, I quit tangling with the alligator and began to head in the direction the current was taking me. I then sped up, sort of 'flying underwater', shooting through the tunnel like a torpedo and toward the light that I begun to see up ahead. (To stay focused, I actually imagined what Superman would look like flying through such a tunnel, remembering the clip from the new movie that shows him flying really fast through a dark, narrow tunnel. My visualization was so strong that I actually saw a ghost image of him, in front of me, leading the way; just sort of superimposed upon the scene.)

I came out in the river that sat outside the town. And I was pretty annoyed at the whole thing. It only took me seconds to fly back to the theater/casino place. The short-haired chick from the beginning was dressed like a warrior, now and was actually taking on some of the bad guys. From what I remember, she was pretty badass, too. The thief DCs were actually calling me Superman when I showed back up (though I never thought to look at myself and see if I actually looked like him). I ripped through the group of thieves like nothing, taking them all out one by one, not having to dodge any of their bullets because...well...I was 'Superman'! Lol. I just walked around through the hail of bullets, attacking them.

Much later (this freakin dream stretched on forever, likely thanks to the melatonin), after I’d lost lucidity again, there was some romance building up between this warrior chick and I, but it was always awkward because she felt like she would have been disrespecting her new/lost friend, 'Lois', by getting with me - at least so soon. We were actually on the verge of having sex one night when she started having second thoughts because of this. It sucked, but hey, I could respect that. Haha. So even though the chemistry stayed there throughout the rest of the dream, nothing really came of it.

Eventually, there was one more attack on the town for their treasure and I was instantly lucid again, ready to take on more bandits. The fighter chick kept saying she wanted to help, but this time the bandits had high-tech weaponry; lasers, droids, all kinds of shit. So I convinced her to stay out of it. The fight was in this spacious, underground cavern. There were a bunch of machines that were drilling through the rock with lasers, trying to find out where this [whatever the valuables were] was buried. When I approached, there was a weapon that they threw out toward me that was curled up in a ball. I tried to use 'heat-vision' to melt whatever it was, but I couldn’t get the whole lasers-coming-out-of-the-eyes thing right, as I had never tried that in a dream before. The ball unraveled itself and turned into this long, metal snake. I’m not sure what its purpose was but it was a nasty looking sum-bitch, so I didn’t want to find out. As it followed me around the cavern, I flew over to one of the lasers that was doing the digging, ripped it up out of the ground and swung it over in the direction of the snake, slicing it into sections with the laser, which was awesome. There was more to the battle after that, but that's as far as I could remember.

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