Tuesday, December 12, 2023

"Little Girl Ghost" - 07/20/2007

"Little Girl Ghost"

(This dream seems eerily familiar. It feels like I've had it before (with subtle differences), but I can't say that I have.) I can't exactly remember all the details, but it was set back in my old neighborhood (as so many of my dreams are). I had a bunch of friends and family members over; mostly little kids and people my own age. There were a lot of strange things going on, between my house, and the house around the corner, which is the house to/from which most of us were going back and forth, throughout the dream. It was really late at night. A lot of the kids dipped into my stash of fireworks and went running around outside to start playing with them. I followed them, trying to get them to knock it off, but they were still able to set a few off before I confiscated them, telling them all that it was way too late at night and that my neighborhood was much too close-knit for them to be doing that. Basically, a couple of others and I were the only ones old enough to be keeping an eye on these kids.

Well, I can't remember how, but I was somehow tipped off that there was a ghost that was roaming around between our houses. (I had watched an episode of Supernatural last night.) Strange things kept happening; objects falling off of counters/shelves and whatnot. I believe I even caught a glimpse of her - who turned out to be the ghost of a little girl - out of the corner of my eye, a time or two. She was a somewhat vengeful spirit and definitely had some specific, unfinished business. These are all vagaries, though. My recollection of this dream, for the most part, is Really hazy.

Apparently, I spent a large portion of the dream trying to convince one of my friends that there was the ghost of a little girl roaming around. He wouldn't believe me, at all. At one point, we were walking in from outside, as I was telling him about the ghost, and he was like "Yeah, right, man. You're cracked." Just as he said this, I noticed he hadn't closed the back door, as we walked through it. I turned and told him to close the door. Just as he turned around and held out his hand to the doorknob, the door slammed, by itself. I knew, instantly, it was the ghost. I said "SEE?!!!" and he just looked at me, like it was so obviously the wind, though there was none. He scoffed a bit and we kept walking.

Later, we were sitting in the living room. I forgot how this part began, but it seemed that one of the little girls in the group of kids we were babysitting could actually see the ghost, all the time. She was having conversations with it. I brought her to my friend and said something like "She can see the ghost." I told her to point to the ghost, and she pointed just a few feet in front her. I asked her if she could talk to the ghost, and she nodded her head. She started translating things back and forth, but my friend still wasn't buying it, writing it off as just another stupid little thing kids do. I told the girl to ask the ghost something that was impossible for the little girl to know. She did, and told my friend the answer, but I can't remember what it was. This peaked his interest, slightly...but Only slightly.

Well, there is a lot more to this dream, that is all a blur. I know word started to spread (and evidence mounted) of the existence of this ghost. She had something that needed to get done, and I'm pretty sure her ultimate goal was leading us to her killers (but that whole concept is really blurry, so I'm only assuming that's what it all came down to). None of the older people were buying into it, though, until this one particular scene, when we were all getting in my car, to go somewhere. We all got in and I turned on the car, and then chaos ensued: All the doors locked; the horn started blaring like an alarm; the stereo turned up; the windshield wipers came on; and the engine started revving. We all freaked the hell out. The car started moving itself - jerking violently forward and stopping, forward and stopping, forward and stopping - over and over again - before slamming into the parked car near the house in front of us. Everyone inside my car was screaming. Through the panic, I pointed through the windshield at the other car, and said "LOOK!!" We could all see that the same electrical insanity that was happening to my car, was happening to the other car, simultaneously, with the exception that we were all locked in my car, and the doors of the other car were all opening and closing by themselves. This ghost was obviously REALLY pissed that she wasn't being taken seriously, by so many. And she'd definitely gotten her point across, this time.

The door locks eventually disengaged and we were freed from the car. From this point on, we were all pretty much watching our backs, avoiding looking into the shadows for fear that we'd see this dead little girl staring back at us. I can't remember how this went down, but we eventually found out what she was trying to do. Her killers were still at large   and we were somehow directed into going to find them. My car was wrecked and a tow truck came. The guys in the tow truck were let in on what was going on (while all other kinds of spooky paranormal stuff was happening, throughout this time, that I really wish I could remember).

To make this long dream somewhat short: These freakishly large and powerful-looking tow truck guys ended up agreeing to give us a ride to where we told them this little ghost girl was directing us. We knew we could use them because even their looks alone were intimidating. I can't really remember what happened, when we got there, but I'm pretty sure it involved us all catching up to - and killing - the murderers;s with some help from our invisible acquaintance, if I'm not mistaken. Whether she actually Helped or not, I'm not sure, but after the job was done, and the girl was avenged, something had tipped us off that she was there with us. I just can't remember what it was. In any case, this later was confirmed when my friend (the one that was skeptical, in the beginning) knelt down to the floor - which was slick, wet, hardwood. (I can't remember what kind of liquid it was covered in. I'm pretty sure it wasn't blood, though.) He reached out to the floor, with his index finger, wrote the word "Hi" in the wetness - like writing on a steamed up window - and stood back up. We both looked at the word for a moment and then, next to it, a tiny, invisible finger slowly replied in the wetness: "Hi," and finished off by scrawling a smiley face beneath the lettering.
That's all I remember. 

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