Tuesday, December 12, 2023

"Water Dragon" - 03/23/2008 (Lucid)

”Water Dragon”

(This was one of the most memorable - and longest - lucid dreams I had had in a really long time. I didn't get to bed until about 5am, and I had been having really strong HI, a few minutes after I lay down. I was hearing wisps of conversations and seeing people walking by or sitting around and talking. I decided to try to WILD, but ended up falling asleep.)

In my dream, my car was in the shop, and the servicing company was giving me some bullshit about not getting it out on time. A lot of my family was there, and I ran into my Australian friend N - from my old job - and some of her family members. It turned out that the mechanics were supposed to be detailing my car, but something happened to where it had gotten mixed up with the wrong work-order, and they’d (for some reason) shredded the entire roof off of it. While sitting in the waiting room, I had been chewing on a pen cap or something small, and I remember it breaking into millions of pieces, in my mouth. I tried forever to spit it all out, but I just couldn’t get it all. Anyway - in talking to N - we discovered that our families were intertwined at some level, and one of my unfamiliar uncles was like one of her cousins or something like that. I remember being really happy to see her and, while she was talking to the shop owner about her own car, I was standing behind her chair and moving it around with her in it –swiveling it left and right and bouncing the back of it gently, like she was a kid or something.

Later, our two sides of the family got together and had a cookout. There was one guy there that kept giving me shit. I don’t know why, but he really didn’t like me. The drunker he got, the more belligerent. Finally, he came over near me and sat down on the grass, obviously drunk off his ass. Without looking at me, he slurred something like: “You know…I was thinking about killing you. I still might, actually. But right now, I’m just going to sit right here.” Part of me wanted to just reach over and kick him in the face, but I didn’t want to start anything major at this family gathering, so, ignoring him, I began to walk away, still kind of fuming that I let him talk to me, but knowing that it was better than I walked away.

After walking a few yards, through the crowd of people, I stopped; wondering just who that guy was, and how exactly I’d gotten to this gathering. I began to suspect that I was dreaming, and thought about trying to move something with telekinesis to confirm it, but figured that it was too unreliable a reality check at the time. Instead, I tried the finger-through-palm technique. At first, the finger wouldn’t go through, and I almost gave up. Then, I decided not to focus so hard on it, and relaxed. I put my finger to my palm again, and it sank right through, like it was made of liquid, and poked out the other side. I was definitely dreaming! Immediately, I turned around and began looking for the DC that had given me such a hard time, about ready to teach him a thing or two. Unexpectedly, though, everyone was now gone, and I was alone in the field. Wondering what to do next, I decided to try a complete scene change, to see what I could come up with. Before doing so, I looked at my hands to ground myself in the dream, bringing the world around me into extra-high definition. I thought about spinning, but decided not to do that (because it usually tends to just wake me up), and thought up a new way to transport to another scene. I put one hand down on the ground, focusing, and began to pull it upward. At first, nothing happened. I set it down again, and concentrated on what I was trying to do. Then, when I pulled my hand up, this time, I materialized a wooden door that stretched from my hand to the ground, until it was big enough for me to walk through. I turned the gold knob and stepped through the door.

Before I knew it, I was walking into a new, fantasy landscape that absolutely amazed me. Everything was made out of vibrant, larger than life color. It was filled with blues, pinks and greens all over, and looked like a really detailed landscape straight out of the movie What Dreams May Come. It was, easily, the most incredible dream landscape I have ever seen. I could only stand there, in awe, for a good while. There were a few surreal buildings/structures around, and a roller-coaster in the background. I walked around to explore, and happened to catch sight of a car that was riding down a path, in the distance. Without really interacting with it, I just kind of watched and zoomed in on it, with my eyes. There was a very religious air about the car – almost comically “happy” - and I could somehow tell that the man driving was a hardcore theist, maybe even a pastor. He had two children in the back, though, and they seemed less than “happy.” In passing, I glimpsed something that looked like it was painted on the side of the car. It was a cartoon of the driver, and he was being depicted as having sex with one of the children. Despite the “happy and religious” feeling of their commute, this stuck out to me as an ominous sign that something was terribly wrong. My perspective then flashed across the field, and I was shown the house that they were driving to – their house. Over a few seconds, the house, itself, then became darker, and more foreboding. I could practically feel the intense evil coming out of the house. I immediately knew what this meant in this narrative. Those may have been the guy’s children, but he was a child molester and, as soon as they got home, as has happened time and time again, he would be having his way with his kids – who looked to be around 9 or 10 yrs old - behind closed doors. 

Sickened by the thought of this, I impulsively raced across the field and jumped high into the air, landing with a catlike crouch on the hood of the man’s car. I tried to force a punch through his windshield but didn’t do anything but crack it. Then, I relaxed slightly and concentrated on phasing through the glass, sinking my arm in through the windshield like it was made out of water. Grabbing the guy by the collar, I yanked him out through the windshield, took him somewhere secluded, and proceeded to beat the crap out of him. (Unfortunately, though, I don't remember much of that particular part.)

After that, I decided to go exploring again.

Once again, I was just completely astounded by the scenery. I kept reaching out and touching things just to feel them and how real they were, and continued repeating to myself “I’m Dreaming, I’m Dreaming, I’m Dreaming” so that I wouldn’t lose focus and lose my lucidity. Off in the distance, I noticed what looked like a tidal wave. It was standing some 100 ft high, but I couldn’t tell if it was coming toward me or not. In the back of my mind, I sort of “commanded” it to stay there, and it was more or less like a fountain; a wall of water that just sat there, off in the distance. The water was a deep blue that looked more like dark blue paint than water. Wondering what to do now, I thought about the Lucid Dreaming Task of the Month (which is a monthly task given to us to try, on DreamViews.com). It took me a moment to remember what the tasks were, and I finally remembered that one of them was to bring something to life. I wanted it to be good, but I had no idea what I wanted that something to be. I started walking around to see what kinds of things I’d have to work with.

There were a few old statues here and there. One was of an alligator, but was really old and had grass growing around it. I was kind of weary, because I didn’t really want to give something life that was going to come after me and try to kill me. I was having enough fun without all that drama. I thought it would be cool to make a giant eagle come to life, but I didn’t have a statue of one. I tried to materialize one to have it fly in out of the sky, but the most I got, when I looked up, was a regular-sized eagle. I then remembered that whatever I gave life to had to already have been inanimate (as per the rules). Just making it appear wouldn’t count. Coming closer to the roller coaster, I looked in the lake beside it, and there was a giant stone hand that was sticking up out of the water. It was obviously a decoration, but it gave the feeling that there was an enormous stone giant beneath the water. I thought about trying to bring that to life, but was kind of apprehensive about what this massive giant would have been like, since I couldn’t see anything but its hand. Finally, I heard a voice over the PA system, advertising the roller coaster that I had noticed in the background. The voice said something like “Come on up and ride Hydra, the Water Dragon!!” I looked over toward the coaster, and found my target.

The roller coaster was designed to look like a blue dragon (much like the 'Dueling Dragons' coaster, here, in the Orlando area). Coiled around the track itself was a fake dragon body, which snaked in and out of itself and the trees around it, and came to a head that was down by the entrance. I was still kind of cautious, because this thing looked pretty damn fierce, but I couldn’t think of anything more bad ass to bring to life than a dragon. Lol. I didn’t have a really good vantage point to see the head, from where I was, so I flew up through the serpentine tracks, passing the coaster car, which had people riding on it, and then sitting on a high platform that looked down at the dragon’s head. Holding my hands out, I focused on bringing the dragon to life. It was actually much easier than I thought it would be. The body of the dragon turned from a hard, painted stone, to thick, scaly reptile skin. I reached out and ran my hand across its body, feeling the scales beneath my fingers. Then I looked back at the head. The dragon, which had been mostly blue, turned into more of a red-orange color. It began moving its head around, as if trying to break free, but the struts and beams that had held the dragon in place - while it was a statue/decoration - still kept it held in place while it was alive, preventing it from going anywhere. With this extra security, I flew off of the platform I was sitting on, and landed on one a little closer to the dragon's face.

Remembering that I’d wanted to try interacting with DCs a little more, while lucid, I sat down and asked the dragon a question. It was something about the nature of DCs, but I don’t remember what I asked him. I don’t even know if I expected him to answer, but, surprisingly, it did. It had a very proper speaking voice, and sounded rather intelligent. A bit impressed, I asked it another question that I don’t remember, and it answered back with this really long response; something that seemed to be more of an attempt to sound smart by using the biggest words and concepts it could (like talking about hypotenuses and isosceles triangles as if he was solving an algebraic equation), than anything else. But, I gave him in the benefit of the doubt as if he knew what he was talking about, even though I wasn’t quite sure he did. I asked him another question, and he sighed as if he didn’t want to answer, or my question was too hard to answer. I actually do remember asking him why he didn’t want to answer that one. He sighed again with a big of an arrogant “Oh, God. Do I really have to go into all this?” sort of flair. He then asked me “Well…do you mind of I ramble on and on?” as if the only answer he could offer would take six years. A bit impatient, I laughed a bit and said “No no no…that’s alright,” and I got up and flew off to find something else to do. Shortly after this, I began to feel something moving, on my neck. I sat still and I felt it again. When I put my hand up, I couldn’t feel anything with my fingers, but when I felt the strange sensation again, I knew it was coming from the waking world.

A bit freaked out by this, I woke myself up.

(I came to find out that the sensation was just the ring on my necklace, slowly sliding down the chain and lightly dragging across my skin, because of the position in which I had been sleeping. I was a little disappointed, but excited about the dream. Even though it was only 2 hours after I’d lied down to go to sleep, I got up and typed up my notes on the dream. Then I lay back down and tried to WILD, but failed. Overall, an incredible, exploratory lucid dreaming experience.)

(^Picture of the scene, which I drew for my Perspective class.) 

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