Tuesday, December 12, 2023

"Lucid Sparring" - 07/25/2006 (Lucid)

"Lucid Sparring"

(Had a pretty interesting LD last night, but it was early-on during the night, so most of my memory of it is gone.)
I'm not sure what led up to this point, but I found myself walking through the aisles of a grocery store when I suddenly realized I was dreaming. There was no real cue, that I can remember; I just knew that I was. At first, I continued walking, repeating to myself: “I’m dreaming, I’m dreaming,” in my mind, to keep myself aware of the fact. I was looking around at the different things on the shelves, leaning in close and taking in all the detail. Then, I remembered wanting to get some practice with becoming more comfortable in the lucid state, just to see if I could hold it longer if I wasn’t running around, getting into battles or doing a lot of action. I sat down on the tile floor, Indian-style, and began to relax as if meditating. I closed my eyes, for only a second, but figured that that might be a bad idea, when it came to not losing the dream, altogether. Instead, I opened them again and just kinda sat there with my head bowed, focusing on solidifying my lucidity. It seemed to work, to a point where everything became much more vivid and realistic. Whatever haze was there, when I’d first gained lucidity, was now completely gone, and there was now visually no distinction between the waking world and the dream.

As I sat there - taking a moment to stare at my hands, which didn’t seem distorted at all, other than that the contours of my fingertips were much more magnified and detailed - some guy came walking up to me and got my attention. I can’t remember what we were talking about, at first, but I think he was just inquiring about what I was doing. While talking to him, I kept repeating in the back of my head “I’m dreaming, I’m dreaming. This is all a dream. I’m dreaming, etc.,” so that I wouldn't forget. Before long, I believe the guy asked me if I wanted to spar. Soon, I was back up on my feet and we started sparring. I was pulling off some pretty dope moves, while fighting this guy, one of which was in jumping toward him with a straight-on flying kick at his face, which he blocked with his forearm. I, then, bounced off of his arm, hovering in the air slightly, like Cloud does in Advent Children while blocking with his sword, for about 2 seconds. Then, spinning my body around, immediately after my kick was deflected, and still in mid-air, I sneaked in a rotating kick to the side of his head, with the back of my opposite foot, flipping him sideways and through one of the shelves beside us. I landed on my feet, again, under very little strain from gravity. 

The fight went on, for a short while, without losing one tiny bit of the visual realism, but my auto-suggestion: “This is a dream, this is a dream” soon transitioned into “Man, I hope I don’t wake up. I have to keep from waking up.” As soon as I fell into this frame of mind, while squaring off with the guy, again, to go another round, I woke up.

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