Tuesday, December 12, 2023

"John Mark Karr" - 10/26/2006 (Lucid)

”John Mark Karr”
Dream #2


I popped a multivitamin and had a little dose of Calea Z, before bed. The two dreams I remember were very vivid. The second one was absolutely insane and seemed to stretch on for hours I love that about Calea, but there is the downside to the vividness, as I’ll cover later.

This one was a looooong, insane, extremely-detailed dream. If I didn’t jump out of bed early and make notes on this, there is no way I would have remembered it all. There are a few flash-forwards though, so there is still some shit missing. Oh well.)

It started off at my old house in Canterbury. I was inside, and my daughter was outside on the porch, playing. I was watching the news and they were talking about John Mark Karr, the pedophile that had been suspected of raping and killing child "beauty queen," Jon Benet Ramsey (for anyone who hasn’t seen it on the news).

Well, apparently (back in the dream), they’d found evidence that he did do it, but he had managed to slip out of police custody, a while before the broadcast was aired. I really didn’t think too much of it at the time. I was walking through the house and happened to look out my room window to see CJ playing on the porch. It surprised me to see that she was talking to someone. A man. A grown man. And he was knelt down and being really affectionate with her. I could tell, immediately, that it was John Mark Karr.

I ran outside. As soon as I opened the door, Karr took off running. Quickly, I caught up to him. We had a short scrap, and I was able to get a full nelson lock on him. Knowing I would need someone to watch him while I called the police, so I walked him over to my friend M's house, whose parents were the landlords of my neighborhood. M wasn’t there, but his parents and big brother were. I pushed Karr inside the house and sat him down on the couch. M's dad and brother happened to be watching the news, also. They took one look at Karr and was like “Is that…..?” I said “Yup.”

Without saying another word, M's dad turned around and opened one of the cabinets on the entertainment center. He pulled out a long-nosed revolver, cocked back the hammer and took aim on Karr, obviously in the mood for a little vigilante justice. I got in the way, though and talked him out of shooting him. I figured that it was best left to the police - that Karr would get what was coming to him, and that M's dad wouldn’t want this man’s blood on his hands, in the long run.

As we were waiting for the cops, something happened (I can’t remember what) where Karr had tricked me into grabbing this wooden block or something that was on the table. It had, previously, been busted on something and, when I grabbed it, hundreds of splinters dug painfully into my hands. Seeing a window of opportunity, Karr jumped up off of the couch and bolted out the door. I ran after him and chased him through the neighborhood, again, to an unfamiliar street in front of a house where a bunch of roughneck island dudes were having a party. I caught up with him again and tackled him to the ground. The guys outside were wondering what was going on, and I asked one of them if that happened to have a pair of handcuffs on them. Conveniently, one of them did.

We cuffed Karr, and they let me bring him inside, so I could use the phone. Then, I uncuffed one of his hands and cuffed him to a table.

While I was in another room, using the phone, a bunch of the other guys were in the living room talking to Karr. When I came out, they were actually treating him like he was a good friend of their group, even passing him a lit bowl, so he could smoke with his free hand.

I walked in, thinking “WTF is going on here?” but I decided that it'd be best not to say anything, because these guys would probably, collectively, kick the shit out of me if I got on their bad side. So, I sat down on the couch and hit the bowl a few times, still waiting for the police (which is ironic). I started talking to Karr, about his “problem,” and he was really calm and conversational - actually, rather charismatic, considering the circumstances. If part of me didn’t want to rip his f*ing face off, for being a child-killing pedophile, I would have been able to see why these other guys were getting along with him. Since he was cuffed though, people were leaving him alone for minutes at a time, and I’d gotten up a few times as well. I did notice, though, that after a while, the wooden table leg was looking more and more worn. I got the feeling he was trying to get out of the cuffs whenever no one was looking, but it didn’t look like he was having much luck with it.

Eventually, I made the mistake of leaving him alone once more. I think it was to use the phone again. When I came back out, the handcuffs had been removed and Karr no longer in the house. I ran outside, to see him just living it up with all these Jamaican-ish guys. It seemed that one of them had a horse (random) and they were all taking turns riding it up and down the street. Then, they let “their new homeboy,” Karr, take a turn on it. Before I could even get a chance to say “WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!?” Karr took off. I started running after him….again. I guess he didn’t have it in him, to steal the guy’s horse, because, after he got about a hundred yards away, he jumped off and sent the horse back to its owner while I continued to chase him.

Before I knew it, it was night time. I was finally beginning to catch up to Karr, only, now, it wasn’t Karr. It was still “him,” but he was in the body of an old friend of mine [actually named Mark], and was shirtless. (Funny, how he changed into a friend with Mark in his name, also.) Mark/Karr was now running through a park, toward a small pond. There were a few people out there at the picnic tables, in the dark, and I was yelling to them to stop Mark/Karr, but everyone just got up and ran like he had a gun and they wanted no part of it. I happened to spot a nail gun near the tables and grabbed it as I passed by. Before Mark/Karr jumped into the pond, I fired a few nails into his back from a pretty good distance. He dove in and started swimming across but the nails in his back slowed him down long enough for me to run around to the other side of the pond with the nail gun aimed at his face, waiting for him as he crawled up out of the water. He had nowhere to go.

Another flash forward: It was the next morning, and I was at the police station. Karr had been arrested. (I didn’t see if he was in his own body or still in Mark’s.)  My daughter was with me, again, and, apparently, there were a lot of fathers of little girls, who’d been molested by Karr, at the station, too. We were supposed to be talking to the sheriff about this guy and what a fitting sentence would be. I remember that we were all getting REALLY pissed, because the sheriff was paying more attention to a political photo-op that he was having in his office, than to all of us that were waiting to speak to him. Some of the men were getting really emotional, and even crying, because of the lack of compassion the sheriff was showing, in regards to their violated children. We finally got to go in and see him and he was still being really ignorant about the whole ordeal, like none of it mattered to him. CJ tried to come in and talk to me, but I had to send her back out. The police said they had a daycare center on the property, so I had someone escort her there, so she could play. This is where things really got strange...

Soon, I was in a smaller room in the station with a group of these angry dads, much like a classroom, and we were filling out paperwork on these little desks. It was really quiet, for a while, but I, then, noticed someone at the back of the room was singing: “Tiiiiiiiiime….is on my siiiiide. Yes it is….” This immediately got my attention.

Before long, I noticed that the song was coming from a different person, in the back of the room. The first person's singing had stopped. It, then, shifted from this second person, to a third, who was just a little bit closer, up the row. Then, from that third person, to a fourth; closer, repeating: “Tiiiiiiiiime….is on my siiiiide. Yes it is….”

My perspective shifted, momentarily, to 3rd-person perspective. I was looking down on this room, from above, and I could see whomever was singing, at the time, reach out and touch the person in front of him - and that person, singing the same line, would then touch the person in front of him, and so on, transferring the song with each touch. (Anyone who has seen the movie Fallen, with Denzel Washington, would know that this is a Really Bad Thing.) Finally, falling back into 1st-person perspective, before the singing could spread to the person right behind me, I jumped up and bolted out of the room.

As I was running toward the daycare center, to grab CJ, I realized what was going on. When Karr had changed into my friend Mark, it wasn’t some random dream glitch. It was actually part of the plot. Karr had found a way to shift his consciousness from person to person, by touch, just like the villain in ”Fallen.” Singing that song - which was a staple in the movie - was his way of letting me know that this was the case.

I ran into the daycare center, and the lady working there told me that CJ had been terrified of something, but she wouldn’t tell anyone what it was. She’d been hiding under one of the bunk beds, since soon after she came in. That’s exactly where I found her. She looked up at me and it took me a little while to get her to come out. I kept telling her to tell me what happened, but she simply refused to, like she was afraid of telling me. I decided not to push her too hard, picked her up and we got the Hell out of there.

Driving down the road, and stopping at an intersection, I was just about to attempt to get her to tell me why she was bugging out, back the station, before I saw a van speeding toward the intersection, from our left. It tried to run through the intersection and slammed into another car that was crossing it, the two vehicles stopping dead in the center of the intersection, before us. I looked into the van that had been speeding and caused the crash, and Karr was in the driver's seat (still in Mark’s body, I think). He had escaped from jail and stolen a van.

He was just about to reverse and continue his getaway when another van crashed into him, from behind, the pile-up closing off the street so that there would be no way for him to drive out of there.

A large group of Jamaicans (much like the group whose house we were in, previously) jumped out and started talking shit to Mark/Karr, for causing the huge accident with his reckless driving. An altercation was about to start that would have probably left Karr dead but there was yet another Flash Forward in the dream timeline.

I was coming out of the police station, for a second time. Karr was back in jail. Obviously the cops had shown up, before things got too out of hand, back at the crash scene, and took him back into custody.

CJ wasn’t with me, this time, and I was about to get in my truck and drive off, when a guy getting into the van next to me (who looked surprisingly like my mom’s boyfriend, who is, coincidentally, serving a lil bit of jail time) began singing:

“Tiiiiiiiiime….is on my siiiiide. Yes it is….”

I spun around and looked in, through the passenger window, just as he was getting in, on the driver’s side. He closed the door, casually looked over at me and gave me a victorious smile as he began to slowly pull away from the police station.

I thought “Oh, HELL NO.”

That’s when it Finally hit me: I was dreaming.

I think it was recognizing his face, as my mom’s boyfriend, that did it, more than anything else. While he was slowly backing out of the parking spot, I ran up to the van and jumped onto the long step / foot-rail, beneath the door, holding onto the side of the van. He continued to smile at me, confident that he was going to make his escape, and I simply smiled right back at him, knowing that this was my dream, and there was no way in Hell he was getting away.

To show off a little, I raised one hand, slowly, and pressed my palm against the glass of the passenger-side window, still holding onto the side of the van while he reversed. I’d intended to slowly push my arm through the window like it was water, and climb in, to grab him...but I couldn’t do it. I tried, again. Nothing. It was as solid as waking world glass. I knew immediately it was the Calea/Multivitamin, I’d taken before bed. The experience was just too vivid for me to just “let go,” enough for my hand to pass through the glass.

I thought “F*ck this,” and I cocked back my arm to just punch through the glass, but Karr swerved the van onto the street and threw it in drive, causing me to fall off of the van’s side-rail, just before he began speeding away, down the street. I landed on my feet, though, and watched him drive off. I could see another intersection, down the road and the first thing that came to mind was the previous accident scene. It began to come into focus as my form dissipated into a disembodied third-person perspective. The “physical me” was pulling up to the intersection, down the street, just ahead of “Karr.” I don’t know if I manifested the second van, voluntarily - or subconsciously - but the same van that had smashed into Karr's van, during the first accident, came speeding down the road, behind him, once again.

It was like Déjà vu. I watched the exact same accident happen, as before - in third person - from about a hundred yards away. It was like I had inadvertently caused a loop in time that ended up stopping Karr from getting away, yet again, which was freaking epic. Haha.

That’s the last thing I remember before waking up.

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