Tuesday, December 12, 2023

"Makin' Hulk Angry" - 06/15/2012

"Makin' Hulk Angry"

I was with my best friend, T, and...the Hulk. We were in a building, that I believe might have been an apartment, and there was some face-less, name-less enemy faction closing in to cause all kinds of trouble. (Isn't there always? Lol.)

So, for some reason, the Hulk was reluctant to fight. The three of us were standing in the living room, and T and I were trying to get Hulk worked up, so that he would take out all of these bad guys who were about to descend upon us. For some reason, though, Hulk was just really mopey and depressed and insecure; almost like he was Banner trapped in Hulk's body. Then, we said something that touched a nerve - I think it involved something that we knew had happened to his parents that (conveniently) was related to all of these villains that we were about to face.

Just touching on the subject triggered a reaction in him, and T and I could see that infamous scowl begin to return to his huge, green face. I can't (now) remember what the dialogue actually was, but we kept on pressing his buttons, mercilessly recounting to him all the details of what these enemies had done to his family in the past. We were bombarding him with horrible memories, our tone increasing with each emotional hit we gave him. We could almost feel his blood boiling. The more we pushed him, the more he began to absolutely quake with anger, large white teeth baring down upon each other. He looked as if he were literally about to explode.

Finally, not being able to take it anymore, Hulk suddenly let out a thunderous roar, bent his legs and then, enraged, jumped straight up into the air like a rocket, tearing through the many floors above us and leaving a gaping hole all the way through the top of the multi-level building. T and I just looked at each other and grinned, knowing that - whomever these clowns were, that were looking to attack us - they were in for a world of hurt.

I woke up before actually getting to see the battle, though.

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