Tuesday, December 12, 2023

"Unsafe Driving Conditions" - 07/05/2009 (Lucid)

"Unsafe Driving Conditions"

The first thing I remember is driving in a car with my mom. It was really dark and stormy outside, and the conditions on the road were quickly deteriorating. Suddenly, I notice some massive plume of what looks like smoke, a few hundred yards out in a clearing. Through the worsening rain, I could see that this wasn't smoke. It was a funnel cloud that had practically materialized on the spot. As soon as it touched down, the wind and rain began to make the car swerve. Visibility dropped to absolute zero, and we could feel that the car was being pushed around, this way and that, because of the tornado's winds.

I had no idea where we were, or if the car was still on the road. All I could see was a blanket of gray, amidst periodic cracks of lightning. Suddenly, the violent weather stopped, and the gray was beginning to clear. It felt serene for a second - still and weightless. As my vision cleared even more, I realized that not only were we not on the road, but we were falling from the sky! The tornado had picked us up, when everything went dark, and now it had hurled us away from the darkest part of the sky, and we were falling toward the ground at terminal velocity. As soon as I noticed this, both my body and my mom's floated out of the top of the car (which seemed it might have been a convertable), and were free-falling alongside it. I was prepared to die. What choice did I have? Not sure if she could hear me, I screamed out to my mom that I loved her, and got ready to turn myself head-downward and eliminate any chance of surviving with my body broken.

Then, I wondered if this was really happening.

The ground was approaching fast but, before it, was the top of a tall, cylindrical structure - like a silo or something. I was headed right for it. In a last-ditch bit of faith, with all of my might, I willed myself to stop in the air, thrusting my feet downward at the silo just before impact. It was only for an instant, but I felt myself slow down - just slightly. Upon that sudden realization that I was dreaming, I stuck the landing on the top of the silo in a crouch. (I had been watching Superman Returns earlier, and it was just like when he landed on the silo in the field - quick and precise).

As soon as I landed, I woke up.

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