Tuesday, December 12, 2023

"Momoa and the Old Schoolhouse" - 3/20/2019 (Lucid + Chain)

"Momoa and the Old Schoolhouse"
(Lucid + Dream Chain)


I don't quite remember what was going on, in the very beginning of this dream. My earliest memory of it is being in what I believe was an office setting, and suspecting I was dreaming. Performing my most common reality check, I raised my hand over an object on a desk - something common, like a paperweight or computer mouse - and attempted to draw it to me with telekinesis. The object flew up off of the desk and into my hand, and confirmed to me that this was definitely a dream.

Walking outside of the building, I came to an elevated road, levitating off of my feet and flying up the incline, landing on the hill-top pavement and peering out, over a beautiful, expansive plains area. It was dusk, and the sky was a mixture of bright orange and a light, purple-ish tone. In the very center of this lush, green field, there was a large, old fashioned schoolhouse, set among a small patch of trees. Immediately, this reminded me of my previous intention, upon becoming lucid, which was to continue to search for the Dream World Academy. Not so much thinking that this might have actually been IT, I decided to search within it, to see if I could find my way into something that seemed a little more like what I had pictured. Flying over to the school, I Ianded in the front yard. The place was completely deserted, it seemed, and I stepped inside to have a look around.

The inside of the school seemed more like the interior of a home, and only sometimes matched the outdated look of the outside. I went from room to room, opening doors with the intention of kinda "creating" a D.W.A. environment, upon opening each new section of the schoolhouse. There was very little light in the home, and I had to fight the creepy feeling that was washing over me, as the atmosphere seemed very "Resident Evil," in that everything felt dim and still. Sounds echoed and shadows covered most of the walkways. (I have started playing the Resident Evil 2 remake, lately.) Most of the rooms remained normal, however, aside from one door I opened, where I could only see a large eye, peering out from a black substance that totally encompassed the inner door frame. Immediately, I closed the door and continue exploring, still trying to ignore the idea that my subconscious was inevitably going to mess with me, in this type of environment.

Moving on, through the house, I opened a new door, to a small bedroom. There was just a little sunlight coming in, through the window, and I could see that there were two, twin-sized beds inside. The room was small enough that they took up almost the whole area, and though the beds were made, I could see that there were figures beneath the covers - seemingly human-shaped - and those figures were moving. Reaching out to the covers of one of the beds, I tried to push all thoughts of 'scary things' out of my mind, hoping not to get ambushed with any selection of my worst nightmares. Ripping the covers off of the bed, I was surprised to see absolutely nothing, in what was, clearly, an occupied space, just seconds ago. I walked over to the second bed, watching the covers writhe about, as if a restless person was tossing about, beneath. Still trying not to let myself be intimidated, I yanked the covers of this one back, as well. Relieved, I was greeted by two or three small dogs, who were just playfully rolling around with each other on the bedspread.

After taking a moment to pet the doggos, I walked out of the bedroom and into the kitchen, which, again, resembled more a home kitchen than that of an old school. Unexpectedly, I was greeted by another dog, this one not quite as friendly as the ones I'd met in the bedroom. It snarled at me and kept trying to bite at me, and I continuously pushed it away. Getting annoyed, I tried to channel my inner Dragon Ball Z, clenched my fists and yelled, "Raaaaaaah!!!" A blast of energy exploded out of my body, pushing outward in all directions, and shaking the objects around me. The dog backed off, for only a moment, though, and the moment my energy dissipated, the dog rushed back in and chomped down on my hand. It didn't really hurt much, but once attached, I simply could not get the dog off of me, no matter how hard I pushed.

Eventually growing tired of the dog, and simply trying to ignore it, I walked out of the kitchen and toward the back of the house, with the dog still latched, tenaciously, onto my hand. I stepped out onto a rear deck, looking out over the plains area, which broke into mountains and valleys in the distance. Still frustrated with this dog, which remained locked onto my hand like a steak suspended above the ground, I thought about slinging my arm as far as I could, and chucking the dog into the deepest end of the valley. I rush of guilt came over me, though, and I decided against it. Instead, I gave one more hard shake, slinging the dog off of me and immediately launching myself into the air, away from it. I flew off, toward the mountains, simply trying to see what else I could explore.

It didn't take too long, though, before I began to see large structures in the sky, coming more into focus and out of the light haze before me. As I flew closer, I could see that these seemed to be gigantic tentacles - or tendrils, of some sort. They covered practically the whole sky, quickly overwhelming my field of view. I could not see from where they were originating, and I was growing more and more sure that I didn't want to know. Given their size, I did not even want to begin to imagine what they belonged to.

I don't remember whether I intentionally pulled myself out of this dream or not, but this dream scene ended shortly afterward.

(Dream Chain)

This dream seemed to already be in progress, upon my earliest memory of it. I was back in my old, Lake Mary home and, for some random reason, I was hanging out with Jason Momoa. (Lol.) We were just shooting the sh*t and hanging around the house. It all had a very chill, weekend sort of vibe. I remember us going to one of the windows and yelling back and forth, playfully, to one of the nearby neighbors as they walked their dog. At some point, I remember telling him about my previous lucid dream, trying to recall all of the details.

He ended up crashing at my place (as if any of this was, at all, just 'normal'), and the dream ended just as I went to sleep.

(Dream Chain)

In what some may consider a "dream within a dream," I suddenly found myself in some unfamiliar building. There were a bunch of DCs around, and the atmosphere was feeling kind of hostile. Feeling uncomfortable, my mind flipped back to what had previously been going on, I remembered that I was just hanging out with Jason Momoa, and that this had to be a dream. I was lucid, again.

Feeling much more relaxed, I was completely unfazed when one of the DCs started trying to antagonize me. I don't remember exactly what he said, but I remember just laughing him off, and telling him that this was just a dream, and I wasn't worried about him. He asked me to prove it, and I held up my hands, attempting to do the Finger-Through-Palm reality check. The dream was quite vivid, though, and my finger met waking-world resistance, refusing to phase through my other hand. Instead, I jumped into the air and tried to levitate, but I sank back to the ground, only slightly slower than real-time. The belligerent DC, unconvinced, told me that, if I could fly up and touch the high ceiling, he would believe me.

Not one to be shown up, by my own imagination, I jumped into the air and tried to fly to the ceiling. I couldn't quite reach it, though, feeling myself starting to sink back to the ground, after missing my mark by just a couple of feet. On the way do, though, I tried to forget about elevation, though, and simply tried to stop myself from touching down to the ground. Much to the shock of the DC - and those who had began to rally behind him - I found myself hovering in mid-air, about four feet off of the ground. Almost as expected, the DCs all took one look at my ability and ran away in terror. 

Satisfied, I then thought about my dream state, and since this dream had been a bit rowdy, I began to wonder whether I was acting out any of my actions, in the waking world. In an absolutely hilarious lapse of awareness, I remembered that Jason Momoa was still hanging out in my house, as I slept, and I thought about how embarrassing it might have been, if I was flailing around in my sleep, gesturing out my dream actions. With that ironic misconception in mind, I decided to wake myself up.

(I couldn't help but laugh at myself, when I woke up, for real, in my present home, with no one else around. Lol.)

(*Original Artwork based on Dream*)

Side Notes:

- I've had other "dreams within dreams," before, where I have "gone to sleep" in a dream, had another dream scenario play out, and then "woke back up," into the same scenario that I was having, previously. This is the first one, though, where - during a "second-level" dream, I remembered the previous scenario but mistook it for real life. I can't get over how funny that is.

- I had been watching a lot of movie news, lately, with Avengers Endgame being right around the corner. Even though I haven't yet seen Aquaman, there's been plenty of references to Momoa so, as random as it was, it's not all that surprising that he made a cameo in the dream.

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