Tuesday, December 12, 2023

"Spores" - 2/24/2008 (Lucid)


(I had gone to sleep at like 8 a.m., after tending to someone who’d got into a car accident, outside my house. Trying to fight the urge to sleep all day, I popped some b6, thinking it might help me wake up at a decent time, and give me some vivid dreams.)

There was an accident in front of my house, in the early morning (which actually happened, that morning, in waking life). When I went outside to investigate, I saw a bunch of DreamViews members hanging out, around the busted up cars. MT was there, and the first thing I noticed was that she was wearing an uncharacteristically-revealing blouse and had the body of a super-model (which I blame on a recently-posted picture).

Sooner or later, I ended up becoming lucid, after noticing that I was surrounded by DV members. Understandably, the very first thing I did was look for MT (Don't judge me!), but I ended up getting so caught up in whatever everyone else was doing, that I’d forgotten my intention, when I didn’t see her right away. I did take a look at my hands, to try to stabilize the dream, because I didn’t want it to slip away from me. My hands seemed to pulsate a little bit, but they weren’t very distorted, aside from that. LS - another senior member - was there, and he invited everyone back to his house for a party, so I decided to tag along. His house was really run-down, on the outside, but seemed like a pretty tight pad, on the inside. It was somewhere around here, where I lost my lucidity.

Now, this is where things got weird. LS had some strange plant. This plant spread spores around, that had two really strange properties. 1) Wherever a spore would land, another large plant would grow really quickly. It would be like watching time-lapsed photography and watching it go through all the stages, but within seconds. And 2) these new plants that grew would act like magnets and attract anything organic to them. I mean anything, no matter the size.

So, something happened and some of these spores were blown toward me, getting stuck in the fabric of my jeans. As I tried getting them out, they began growing. I could feel the roots spreading, and they were making me itch like f*cking crazy. (I blame that on the b6. I can tell, right away, that it was one of those all-too-familiar b6-induced itches that were more than just dream-related). Then, it started, slowly: small things began becoming attracted to me, house plants and whatnot. I ran outside, trying to get these spores off of me, and then the lawn itself ripped up like Velcro and became attracted to me. I peeled it off, and noticed it was still attempting to cling to me, so I ran. As I was running, everything organic that I passed – grass, trees, animals, everything – began following me as if I, myself, was a magnet and was drawing them to me. Sooner or later, it got to a point where I couldn’t stop running, because, if I did, thousands of pounds of whatever has been flying after me would just crash into me and probably crush me under its weight. So..I just kept running…

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