Tuesday, December 12, 2023

"Nazis... I Hate Nazis." - 10/13/2007

"Nazis... I Hate Nazis."
Dream #1

(Had a multivitamin before bed.)

I remember driving along some highway, going to visit Tony, who was out of town, somewhere. Once there, we were hanging out by the pool, at night, with some other people and Tony had gone upstairs, to an apartment on one of the highest floors. He went missing for some time, so I decided to go find him and mess with him. Instead of taking the stairs, I, for some strange reason, decided to climb a rope that led up to every floor, so that I could sneak up behind him, if he was out in the hallway somewhere (I'm sure it made sense, in the dream. Lol).

When I got to the floor that the apartment was on, Tony was already standing there, right in front of me, with his arms cross, grinning as if he had known I was trying to sneak up on him. I said something like "damn you," and we had a good laugh about it. Then, I slid down the rope and back to the bottom floor. I looked up, to see if he was following, surprised to see that he had actually jumped from that level of the building and landed in a tuck-and-roll, near me. I remember being amazed at that, but the dream soon changed.

We were, then, walking through the neighborhood (which began looking more and more like my old neighborhood). There was a car coming down the road, and the driver slowed down once they came along side us, still a few dozen meters away. We heard them scream out something - in what sounded like it could have only been German - and automatic gunfire suddenly erupted from the car. Tony and I immediately scattered. As I was running across a rise in someone's yard and placing a hand down to the grass, once or twice, to stay on my feet, I could see and hear the bullets tearing into the grass and dirt all around me. Just when I was about to round the corner, away from the hail of gunfire, I was struck once or twice in the back. I don't remember whether or not it hurt, but I knew I was hit and could be in serious trouble.

I went around corner and hid on some stranger's porch, breathing heavily. With every passing second, I could feel my energy draining away from me.

Suddenly, I noticed that it was now day time, and I was startled to see someone coming around the corner, a few yards away. It was a Nazi soldier, in full combat uniform. He spotted me and came over in my direction. Just as I began to panic, and was about to try to get up and run, the door beside me open and another Nazi soldier walked out of the house. He looked down, obviously surprised to see me lying on his porch. I was cornered and had absolutely nowhere to go. The first soldier came up to the porch and, seeing that I was still alive, wasted no time speaking. He pulled out a handgun and shot me about 4 times in the chest, at point-blank. It felt like someone had punched me in the chest, and I could feel myself getting more and more tired, like the energy was being syphoned from me. As I lay there, the two Nazis stood over me, talking to each other in a mixture of German and English (I can't remember what they were saying).

In my mind, even though I was getting more tired, I was beginning to wonder why I didn't feel like I was actually dying. I felt like, if these guys would have walked away, I could have gotten up and walked away, myself. But, as they stood over me, I played dead, lying there, slack-jawed, with my eyes rolled back. A sort of involuntary gurgling sound came from my throat, and one of the guys looked down at me. He said something like "You hear that? This guy is still alive." At the sound of that, I gradually made the sound stop, as I really didn't want him to shoot me again just to be sure. He didn't.

After a little while longer, they were convinced I was dead, and they both walked away. I don't remember anything after that.

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