Tuesday, December 12, 2023

"Repugnant Reflection" - 10/13/2007 (Lucid)

"Repugnant Reflection"
Dream #2

(I tried a WBTB, after my Nazi dream from the same night, and got the Dream Views Advanced Task of the Month Done!)

This one started with me sitting at my computer. I'd downloaded some strange "3D Software" that let you rotate the camera views on normal video files as if they were filmed in 3D space. For instance, I started watching The Matrix and, during every scene, I was able to move the camera angles around, in real time, so I could watch any part of the movie from any angle. It was awesome.

Anyway, my buddy, Mike, came over, even though it was like 11:30 at night. He just showed up, and mom got out of bed and let him in. He chilled for a while, and I tried to show him this new software, but I couldn't find the Matrix movie, anymore. I, then, started looking around for other movies, but couldn't find any of them on my hard drive. After a long while, without finding any of my movie files,

Mike ended up just going home without ever seeing the software in action.

Later, I was watching regular TV, and there was a documentary on about a planet. It was a really weird planet that was shaped like a squared doughnut and had stripes running around it. The camera panned out, from a close-up view of the terrain, to a wide shot of the entire planet, and I soon noticed that I was no longer watching the TV; I was as actually inside the program and looking down at this planet from space.

I quickly realized that I was dreaming and floated there, for a moment, looking at this odd planet. Figuring I'd rather spend the rest of my dream down on Earth, I decided I would fly down toward the planet and sort of 'turn it into Earth', as I got closer to the ground. I flew downward, as fast as I could, breaking through the atmosphere and watching the ground begin to come into view. The more it approached, the more I saw it looking like Earth. Soon, I was coming down over a cityscape and then diving straight toward my house. My body phased through the roof of my house and, before I knew it, I had landed in my room.

I remembered how I always had trouble flying into space and, feeling a little adventurous, I figured that - since I came down from space so easily - I might be able to get back up there. Testing the troublesome ability, I flew straight upward and and tried to rocket into space again, however, this time, phasing seemed to be more of a challenge, and I got stuck in the ceiling of my room. (DAMNIT I hate when that happens! :P)

I pulled myself back down, out of the ceiling, and landed on my floor again. Trying to think of something to do with the rest of my dreamtime, I suddenly remembered the 'Advanced Task of the Month', from Dreamviews.com (which was to "Find Your Reflection in a Mirror, Pull it Out, and Ask it Why We Dream"), and my bathroom was right across the hall.

Immediately, I ran out of my room and into the bathroom, noticing, on my way there, that mom was sleeping on the couch with a blanket, which she never really does. Closing the bathroom door behind me, I looked in the mirror at my reflection, which was, surprisingly, not deformed or disfigured. At first, I just asked it "Why do we dream?" and it just stood there and looked at me. Its lips never moved when mine did, and it just gazed at me, stoically. I, then, remembered that I had to reach in the mirror and pull my reflection out, in order to complete the task. So, I began to dip my hands into the surface of the mirror, but I was feeling some resistance. It felt like the mirror was trying to solidify with my hands inside, and I couldn't get anything passed a few inches above my wrists into it.

That was far enough, though. Curling my fingers around where I figured the back of my reflection's head would be, I pulled toward myself, trying to bring the entire body out. I was only able to pull 'him' out a little bit, to where the face was sticking out of the mirror by just a few inches. Concluding that this was far enough to count, I asked again, "Why do we dream?" Again, my reflection just stared at me, blankly, and blinked its eyes a few times, unwilling to answer the question.

I got kinda frustrated and just let go, and the reflection snapped back into the mirror. Turning my head left and right, I noticed that my ears were actually much smaller than they are in waking life. Then, I heard my mom down the hall, opening my bedroom door as if she were snooping around in the night, and this broke my focus. It completely threw me out of lucidity, and I opened the door, suspiciously, asking what she was doing. She struggled to provide an explanation, and we got into an argument about privacy, but I forgot the dialog and the dream ended shortly after that.

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