Tuesday, December 12, 2023

"No Trespassing / One vs. the One Percent" - 05/30/2013 (Lucid + Chain)

"No Trespassing" / "One vs the One Percent"
Dream #1
(Lucid + Chain)

Part 1:

It was night time, and I was on some rocky terrain with a girl and at least two guy companions. I don't remember why we were there, but we were on the grounds of the headquarters of some evil, military-style group; an area that we were obviously not supposed to be in. For a while, we were alone, but knew that security was patrolling around to catch trespassers. One of the men in my group called out that someone was coming, and we quickly scattered to wherever we could hide. A pair of truck headlights came over a ridge and stopped where we had been posted up, surveying the area. I had slipped down into a shallow ditch area and lay with my belly down in the water and high grass.

From the ditch, I could see the truck-full of a dozen or so SWAT-like thugs jump out and search the area where we had previously been. It didn't take long before they found two of my friends in their hiding spots - one of which being the chick. I could only watch in horror as they knocked the guy down to the knees and shot him dead. They then took the girl captive, loading her up onto their truck along with the rest of their goons.

The ground suddenly began to shake and the water around me started rippling. Something was happening to the ditch that I was in, and I started to think I might get swallowed up by it. A large section of the ground gave way and the water began draining into an opening, revealing a well-lit, hidden tunnel with a roadway leading down under the building. Wedging myself in a dark recess formed by the opening panels, I remained hidden until the truck drove down into the tunnel and out of sight, the entryway closing itself behind the vehicle.

I vaguely remember talking to another male member of our group (whom I think was the only one left) about the facility. We were checking out the windows and doors, and wondering how we might get inside to try and save the girl. While accessing the situation and trying to figure out how we should go about it, I woke up.

(After waking, I was determined to try a Dream Chain, so that I could get back into the scenario, go after the villains, and save my companion. Starting the induction audio about half-way through, I say back down and started to visualize the ditch area outside of the building, focusing on the intention to direct my next round of dreams back to that same place.)

"No Trespassing / One vs the One Percent"
Part 2:

I was back in the yard outside the building. My obscure ally from the first dream was now replaced with my best friend, T. I still wasn't aware that I was dreaming, so T and I very cautiously made our way inside the building, slinking through the halls and ducking away from any shadows we saw approaching us. We ran into a spot where there were people approaching quickly, and we had nowhere to go but into one of the many doors that lined the hall. Having no idea what was inside, we ran into the little room and closed the door behind us.

In this tiny bedroom was an elderly, southern black woman. She was sitting on the bed, facing away from us. She had a very kind voice and, though I don't remember much of the conversation, we came to find out that the villains that ran this place were a bunch of Elites who were into thievery, slavery and all other types of corruption. After a little while, we ended up rounding the bed and getting a look at her. Her face was a horrific mess of so many scars that it made her hardly recognizable as a woman. Nothing fresh, but scars that have long since settled in for good. She told us that one of the women who ran the place took a razor to her face - quite viciously, from the looks of it - for having been disobedient at one point or another.

While she was recalling the incident, a very large man suddenly walked into the room. He was wearing a dirty tank top shirt and, by the way they were talking, it seemed that he might have been her husband. He hardly even acknowledged us, except to sternly tell me that I was in his way, when he was trying to get to the dresser behind me, which the TV sat upon. Shortly after, he was gone, and T and I went back to talking to the old woman, trying to learn a little more about the organization. (Though, again, I don't really remember the conversation.)

We then heard voices coming from right outside the door. There were men coming, and it we knew it was highly unlikely that they were friendly. T and I tried our best the hide, but the room was so small that there really weren't many places in which to disappear. I jumped into a tiny nook between the TV/dresser and a small end-table beside it. I noticed a folding knife resting on top of the dresser and grabbed it, opening it up and keeping it down by my side, just in case. T tried to slip under the table, but it was still just too far out in the open. I'm not 100% sure, but I think he ended up hiding in a small closet on the other side of the room.

The door opened, and three muscular men in black walked into the room. They started talking to the old woman about something, but ultimately were acting pretty nonchalant, as if they didn't know anything was up. From where I was hiding (beside the TV and dresser), I knew the top of my head was probably visible. I was wearing a black hat, though, and tried to make it so that only the hat would show, in hopes that they might overlook me. While their attention was directed at her, I peeked my eyes up just enough to see the men turn toward the TV (and me), and I dropped my head again. I heard them come over to the TV and begin talking about whatever programming was on, still seemingly oblivious to my presence. It wasn't until one of them playfully patted me on the hat, chuckling, and said "...and we'll be waiting for you outside, whenever you decide to come out," that I knew we had been found out.

The trio left the room, and I simply stayed in my spot, wondering how in the Hell I was going to get out of this mess. Then, suddenly, Finally, I came to the realization that I was dreaming! I actually said to myself something like "Wait, this is a dream! Why the Hell am I running from these people?!" Taking one moment to look at my hands, ensuring that I would be able to keep the dream going just a little bit longer, I then got up from where I had been cowering and stormed out of the bedroom with T following timidly behind.

I burst through a large set of doors and into an enormous dining hall. The dining room table stretched from a few feet in front of me to about 30 yards away, with two distinct groups of people sitting among either end - the people sitting closer to my side of the room looking much less posh and glamorous than the ones at the far end. There were probably 30-40 people in all. The ones on the far end of the table, upon seeing me enter, suddenly jumped from their chairs and drew their weapons on me. Having absolutely no fear of their guns, I began stalking into the room, ignoring the group of un-threatening, less-fortunate looking people and going straight for those with their guns drawn, still holding the knife I'd gotten from the bedroom. When the shooting started, I simply ignored the bullets. I don't know whether they bounced off of me or just went right through me, but I barely felt them. While they continued frantically trying to take me down, I basically walked up the length of the dinner table, stabbing, punching and kicking everyone who was attacking me. In the middle of a flurry of offensive attacks, I quickly picked up a fork off of the table and, in one fluid motion, slung it across the other side of the table and straight into the throat of one shooter. Then, turning around, I saw that there was a woman shooting at me from point blank range. For a moment, I actually hesitated to attack her. However, I immediately reminded myself that this was only a dream, kicked the woman down, picked up a chair and smashed it down onto her, shattering it over her rib cage.

T, who had hung back a little (though I do think he might have been fighting, too, I'm just not sure.) suddenly yelled out that the people I was fighting weren't actually the ones in charge, and it was really the ones who had looked poorer, as they were trying to deceive us into focusing on the hired help. (He evidenced this by drawing my attention to some strange set up of the dinnerware, but I don't remember the exact explanation.) So, I redirected my wrath over to that far side of the table, kicking a little more elite ass while they scrambled and tried their best to fight me off. Finally, there was one guy left. He sat and stared at me in terror, as if he was completely paralyzed. I saw that his hands were behind his back, even as he was sitting in the chair. I knocked him out of the chair and onto the floor, causing him to drop something beside him. It was a small, metal stick with a red button on the tip of it. A detonator. Quivering with fear, he told us that it was something of a self-destruct contingency, and he had planned to kill us all if need be, but he had simply found himself to be to afraid to push the button.

Immediately after this revelation, I woke up.

(After jotting down my notes on the laptop - and with over an hour left to sleep, I reset the audio and tried to jump back into the dream for a Part 3, to continue searching for our companion who had been abducted. After tossing and turning for about 30 minutes, though, I decided that I just wasn't going to get back to sleep, and got out of bed.)

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