Tuesday, December 12, 2023

"Trainhopping" - 12/02/2011 (Lucid)

Dream #1

The first thing I remember is being on an elevated train. It felt kind of like a theme park monorail, in that it was on a single-railed track, and distinctly had that 'touristy' feel to it. Somewhere along our trip, the train malfunctioned - beginning to break down and lose speed - but I can't exactly remember the reason why. It was in this moment, when most of the people around me were reacting to the failing train, that I realized I was dreaming.

Looking out the window nearest me, I could see another elevated track. Far ahead, I could see another train speeding toward in our direction, but on the parallel railing which sat a couple-dozen yards away from the one our own train was riding on. Even in this short period of time, I could see that the train was moving insanely fast. It wasn't a regular monorail, but a bullet train. I knew, immediately, that I would much rather be on that train than the dysfunctional POS that I was on, now. With a pretty good sense of control in the dream, I levitated in the air and phased through the roof of my train, landing on top of it. I don't believe my train had completely stopped, but it definitely wasn't moving along at full speed. I could see the other train nearing us. Both of these tracks sat high enough above the ground that I don't actually remember seeing anything but an obscure blur of green fields, far below us. The oncoming train would be passing us soon, so I knew I had to hurry, in order to catch it.

When it did pass my train, I ran along the length of the roof; from one of the first cars, which I had been in, and all the way to the caboose. At the last car, I jumped from the monorail, in a vain attempt to clear the wide gap between the two of them. Of course, I fell extremely short, and I could feel myself begin to fall toward the ground below me. Again (much like the T-Rex fighting lucid I'd had a few days before this dream), I had to focus on righting myself, while falling.

I concentrated on 'pushing' myself forward, to turn my downward free-fall into forward/upward arc, wildly flying across the gap and just barely making it to the bullet train as it whipped by the failing one that I had been on, moments ago. I grabbed the outside of the bullet train - sticking to it like Spider-Man, part-ways between the side of the train and the rooftop - and then crawled the rest of the way onto the roof. The speed of the train made being on the roof very intense, and I figured it might be better if I made my way inside. So, slinking back around to the edge of the roof, I eased myself over the side of the speeding train, and phased myself through the window without opening the glass, dropping silently inside the train car. Unfortunately, I don't remember anything after entering the bullet train.

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