Tuesday, December 12, 2023

"Picking a Fight with Spider-Man" 11/17/2014 (Lucid)

(Over on Dreamviews.com, there is a "Lucid Dare" thread, where you can challenge any other member to attempt any sort of activity, in a lucid dream, that you can think of. A friend's dare for me was to "Fight Spider-Man, without using any lucid dream powers." The first night I attempted this, I was only able to incubate a non-lucid dream involving Spider-Man, where he was being framed for a bank robbery. I gave it another shot, last night, and while I was able to get lucid, things didn't exactly go the way that I had intended...)

"Picking a Fight with Spider-Man"

Summary:An attempt to pick a lucid fight with Spider-Man ends in frustration and multiple failures, but still made for a great adventure!

I 'awoke' in my bed. Looking around the room, I could tell that things just seemed 'different'. Eventually, I came to realize that my TV and entertainment center had changed shape and size. There was also a strange feeling about me. I felt like I was in a bit of a daze. Like I wasn't quite 'with it'. I pulled up a glowing clock in front of me (I don't remember if it was on a watch or a cellphone), and I checked the time. Instead of numbers, the clock face began to morph into random letters. A calendar appeared, instead of a clock. I immediately knew that I was dreaming.

Looking at my hands, I attempted to bring the dream into more clarity. It seemed to work, but the room was still dark, so I couldn't quite see exactly what level of detail there was. I took a moment to think about what it was that I wanted to do, stepping over to the bedroom window. I knew I wanted to be outside, so I put my hands up to the window and pressed forward, phasing through the glass and leaning halfway out, taking a good look at my surroundings. It was a still night, and I believe I remember it feeling a little brisk. From the look of the neighborhood, I was back at my old home in Canterbury
(again), and there was a single house across the ditch, which had green Christmas lights on it. It was one of the only things I could see, in the dark.

I remembered Hukif's Dare, about trying to fight Spider-Man, so I floated the rest of the way through the window, and up onto the roof. Instead of my normal roof, it seemed like I was now on the conjoined roofs of some big, sprawling city, with old-fashioned architecture
(such as London). I flew up a few levels, from one rooftop platform to the next. Up ahead, I could see Spider-Man. He was a few levels higher than me, so I elevated to his position and saw that he seemed to be working on something; building some sort of structure. I couldn't tell what it was, but there were barrels of material and scraps laying around. He was clearly focused on what he was doing, and didn't seem to pay me any mind.

He simply ignored me, when I called down to him for a fight, continuing to work on whatever it was he was working on. I thought I might try antagonizing him a bit, so
(having forgotten that one of the caveats of the dare was that I had to fight him without using any dream powers) I slung my hand out and made Spider-Man's trademark gesture, effortlessly causing a string of webbing to fly out of my wrist and cover him from chest to boots. He made some comment about how he didn't want to fight me, sounding as if the idea completely bored him to tears, and then he ripped his way out of the webbing, which flickered away and disappeared like some low-tech video game effect.

All of a sudden, there was a series of explosions, closing in on us from a higher point upon the cluttered stacks of rooftops. Spider-Man said that there was a very powerful villain coming, and he began scampering in the other direction when the explosions began blasting in toward us. I quickly followed him, flying Superman style as we rushed to evade the incoming ordinance. I couldn't see who was actually chasing us, but I was amazed (no pun intended) at the way Spider-Man moved - flipping and twisting and landing on the smallest of surfaces before rebounding off and tucking into all sorts of various, aerial maneuvers. It was a trip to watch, even while making our escape.

Finally, we got back down to the edge of the rooftop on which I had begun. I flew over the side and landed to the ground in front of my bedroom window. I believe I was going to phase back through the window, to head inside, but it was right around here when the dream reset itself.

I was back in my room, on my bed, and looking around in the dark. This time, my TV was on, so there was a dim glow that I don't believe was there, the first time around. Spider-Man and the heavily-armed mystery villain were nowhere to be seen. Still lucid, I sat in bed for a few moments and attempted to ground myself into the dream again. I started rubbing my hands and feeling around on my arms, to focus on the texture. This time, I could see a strange black set of tattoos, which ran halfway up my arm. The were symbols, or abstract objects, which kind of looked like the bones of a spinal column, from my wrist to the top of my forearm.

Getting out of bed and walking to the TV, I wanted to try and use it for a scene change. I can't remember what program was showing, but I pushed my face up to the screen and attempted to 'go into' the TV, itself. After a few moments, everything had just gone dark. I pulled my head away and saw that what was once a TV, had transformed into some sort of cabinet or dresser. Frustrated, and attempting to test my level of control in this dream, I levitated myself a couple of inches from the floor, checking to see if I could stay afloat. Then, after a few seconds, I lowered myself to the ground and slung my first down at it. My fist smashed into the ground with incredible force, and I could feel a sonic boom shake the walls of the home. From what I could tell, I still had at least a little control over things, here.

I knew I wanted to try my hand at Spider-Man, again, but I didn't want to have to waste the time in going to find him. I 'willed' for him to be in the room with me, and he soon walked in through the bedroom door. The lights were on, by now, and he just stood between me and the dresser, as if silently waiting for an explanation as to why he was summoned. I asked him if he wanted to spar, and he simply made some dismissive gesture. He just wasn't having it, apparently, and I was getting nowhere. I decided to try attacking him, again. At first, I was going to try webbing him again, but I remembered about the rules. So, I tried throwing a few punches. It just felt really awkward, and I was hitting nothing but air. I even tried DBZ-style 'rapid-fire punching', but it was just like he wasn't even there. I couldn't tell if he was moving too fast for me to see him, or I was just punching 'through' him. Going for broke, I jumped up and threw a double drop-kick right at his chest. It was powerful enough to knock him back against the cabinet and send me hovering across the room and smashing into the wall behind me. Ultimately, though, he brushed it off and stood up straight once again.

I was growing more and more frustrated, and I really didn't want to end this dream in a complete failure, since this jackass was too stubborn to want to fight me. I wanted to fight someone, at least. Phasing back through the window, I took off into the (still night) sky, leaving Spider-Man to his anti-social self. Screw him, anyway. I wanted to fight Goku!

The dream went into this really weird, very trippy flight sequence, where the sky would turn this kaleidoscope of colors while I went on my search for Goku. There were weird creatures flying around, and some of them were talking all kinds of nonsense. Everything turned 2-D and cartoonish. Total DBZ environment. It actually looked a lot like I was flying through Snake Way.

The clouds cleared, and I was then flying over a mountainous terrain while one of the creatures were telling me about how some villains were hiding in the caves and building a huge 'space craft'
(and that this was inherently bad, for some reason or another), so I decided to go and find them. I landed at the mouth of a cave and wandered into the darkness, growing slightly anxious at what I might find, but trying to keep my anxiety down, so as not to produce a nightmare. While walking through the winding tunnel, dragging one hand along the rocky wall in order to keep myself grounded by feeling around the environment, I was suddenly confronted by two alien henchmen. Immediately, I curled my hand into a fist and charged a sphere of energy around it. It even made the familiar sound effect of a ki blast charging, from the DBZ cartoon (though it was unintentional, and it was funny when I heard it, because it was completely unexpected). I quickly spun in place and fired two blasts from my hand at the henchmen, the explosions filling the hallway with smoke and debris. When the smoke began to fade, I saw that at least one of them were still standing. I dashed toward him and tried swinging a barrage of punches. However, all I got was the 'underwater' feeling that I sometimes get when trying to punch things. Through the smoke, I could hear the alien laugh and say something like "you're funny," in a completely childish manner. Just as this was beginning to frustrate me, the dream scene changed again.

I was then at my Aunt's house
(but it was different than it is in waking life), and sitting on her couch. I was still lucid, and beginning to think that this dream wasn't going to be lasting much longer, so I began trying to backtrack and go over the past events of the dream in my head, in order to keep the memories fresh in my mind. My cousin came out from a bedroom, and she had another (gorgeous girl) with her, whom was also being identified as another cousin, even though she was a complete stranger to me. They said that they had just voted, for their first time, and were tired after doing a lot of studying on the candidates and the voting process. It was around here, when I noticed that neither of them were wearing any clothes. Unable to resist, I started sizing up the unfamiliar girl, and getting a little 'hands-on'.

Not wanting the dream to fade, I looked at my hands again, not wanting another premature scene change. I noticed that the weird tattoo I'd had before had returned, and it was now going all the way up my arm, to the shoulder. When I looked back at the girls, I saw that they had similar markings up their arms, as well as parts of their faces and heads. It was very tribal-looking, and kind of cool, but I already had my intentions set. The unfamiliar girl and I began to fool around on the couch, but just as things were starting to really get going
(keeping it vague and appropriate, since I'm writing this while at work. :P), I felt the clarity of the dream slipping away from me. I tried to run my fingers along her skin some more, to keep things going, but I was already stuck with the idea of waking up, and the thought of the dream ending pulled me too far away from it all to get it back.

Having just barely started with this tattooed beauty, I woke up.

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