Tuesday, December 12, 2023

"Meet the Overprotective Parents" - 05/19/2010 (Lucid)

"Meet the Overprotective Parents"
Dream #1

I was with some unfamiliar girl, and another couple, and we were all staying in a hotel. While the girl and I never had sex, there was an incredible connection there, and we were all over each other, through the night. 

Then, the next morning came, and we immediately found ourselves on the run.

Obviously, I wasn't supposed to be seeing this girl. Her father was a very 'influential' man, and had sent some hired guns to bring her back from me. They had burst into the room, and we had just barely been able to give them the slip, running through the hotel hallways and dashing down the steps. We'd apparently been doing this for some time, having moved from hideout to hideout, and I was beginning to feel that it was only a matter of time before her Dad's men eventually stopped us. In the hotel stairwell, a couple of shots rang out, but none of them hit me. We'd gotten downstairs and were just about to make our way outside, when we finally got cornered.

These men were coming in from all angles, and there was a good number of them. Right then, as if on cue, I realized I was dreaming, and that these guys were no threat to me. Immediately, I stopped running. I turned around and brazenly stalked toward the men who had gathered together. Closing in, I started taunting them, daring them to come at me. For a little self-reassurance, I repeated to myself that this was "only a dream," a couple of times, under my breath (so to speak). The henchmen were completely frozen in shock. They looked at me, and then looked around at each other, neither of them knowing what to do. They had been chasing us all this time, relentlessly, and in turning from prey to predator, I had completely shut down their machine. Nobody wanted a piece, even though they were all armed, and I wasn't.

The dream skipped ahead, and not only was I no longer lucid, but I was no longer myself, at all. I was some random person, at a formal function of some sort, and surrounded by military personnel in suits and dress blues. It seems the parents of the girl that I (my original self) was with had bought off the military. I came to realize that this was after they'd allegedly 'killed' me, and they were all toasting to themselves and discussing my apparent demise. They were laughing at the "insane" way that I had walked up toward them, and challenged them all. While they were discussing the events that had transpired, I actually began remembering them. I remembered everything that had happened to my 'old self'. In doing so, I remembered that I was still dreaming.

All I could think about was how hilarious this was. They were all sitting here, kissing their own asses at having killed me, not knowing that I (or, at least, my consciousness) was actually right here in the room with them. I stood up, out of my seat, and promptly jumped up on the large table, in the center of the room, attracting everyone's attention. Then, I belted out an announcement that I was that same guy that they were currently talking about. I explained that I had switched bodies, and was just dropping in on them, to listen to them gloat about their false victory.

Once again, all of these Dream Characters were instantly terrified. I went back to taunting them, just as before, daring them to try to take me down. As if by instinct, those of the audience members who were soldiers - though still in their dress blues - took formations and drew whatever firearms they had. Completely full of myself, I stepped down off the table and strolled over to them at random, disarming them with some textbook grapples. Stripping the last guy of his gun and hanging onto it, myself. I spun the pistol around the room and declared, in all of my invincible glory, that I was going to 'kill' each and every one of them. I then took a brief moment to look at my free hand, in order to stabilize the dream. I noticed that my fingers were gone - worn down to the numbs, beneath the first joints.

I probably should have taken longer to stare at my hand, because I wasn't exactly able to bring the dream into greater clarity before a single person suddenly bolted for the door. Without hesitation, and forgetting about trying to ground myself into the dream, I slung my arm in his direction and shot him in the back. He went down hard, and the entire room erupted in panic. 

Unfortunately, the dream completely unraveled here, and I don't think there was anything after this.

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