Tuesday, December 12, 2023

"Smallvillain" - 02/20/2009


(I woke up with about an hour left to sleep before having to get up again for work. Knowing that my alarm clock was set, I was still worried about sleeping through it, when I went back to sleep.)

I dreamt I was watching an episode of Smallville. I wasn’t watching it on TV, but through a disembodied perspective – like I was the camera following Clark Kent around. During this “episode”, something had gotten inside of Clark’s skin. Every now and then, these little lesions would start showing up all over him – first a few in his face, and then some running down his arms. It looked like something was scratching at his skin, but from the inside out. Each time the lesions would grow larger, there would be this whirring sound, like something mechanical was trying to cut its way out of him. He went into an elevator, and the sound and lesions were getting more intense. From my position, out of space and time, I could hear a voice call out to him, from inside his head. It said that it was about to “break out of him,” and that it would “change him – turning him into a being of pure evil.” (paraphrase) I believe it was Braniac, but there really wasn't much to go by. At one point, though, these lesions were actually causing him severe pain, and he took off his jacket. The lesions were so bad that some of the skin in his arm had completely peeled away, and showed metal beneath (which is what makes me think it was supposed to be Braniac). The more his skin tore, and the whirring intensified, the more Clark was apparently racked with pain, and it was causing him to stagger about, trying to get the sound out of his head...and the intruder out of his skin.

He staggered outside of the Daily Planet, practically clawing at himself – trying to stop the horrible sensation of a machine boring through his flesh. When he walked into the streets, there was utter chaos around him. Buildings were burning; cars were smashing into each other so fast and hard that one of them launched right off of the road and slammed into the second story windows of an office building. There was simply no subtlety, whatsoever, and things were just crashing and exploding all over the place. Clark, though, was so preoccupied with the intense pain that was causing him to wander aimlessly, that he just kind of staggered through the mayhem as if it didn’t even exist. He walked into the frantic, colliding traffic; cars crashing into and ricocheting off of him as if he were a walking wall of…well…Steel. Even though he was already staggering, the speeding cars had no effect on his steps. I remember thinking to myself about how awesome this show’s special effects had gotten, while watching this (I actually thought something along those lines, as I really was watching Smallville, the night before the dream). Suddenly, another car came, flying through the air, flipping toward a man and woman who were running passed Clark, trying to escape the fray. Just before the car landed on top of them, a red and blue blur swooped in, picking them up and moving them just a few feet away, the car smashing to the ground where they once were.

Clark turned to see…himself…setting the man and woman down and smiling at them as they thanked him for saving their lives. It was him, but as Superman. The Superman imposter hurriedly told the humans to get as far away from Clark as possible, because he was the one that was causing all the chaos; implying that he - 'Superman' - was here to stop the “villain” (Clark). Obviously, Clark was being framed. 'Superman' then turned toward Clark, walking in his direction. He began expanding on the idea that the voice in Clark’s head had been telling him - that Clark was going to turn into a psychopathic killer, and that this imposter (the real psychopathic killer) was going to take his place as the Hero, in the eyes of the public. Clark, though, wasn’t having it. He was determined to fight back against his parasite, and he and 'Superman' began one Hell of an epic battle.

In the beginning of it, Clark had lost the ability to fly, because this ‘thing’ was taking over him. He tried to fly but ended up falling back to the earth. The fight continued on, though, Clark effectively managing to hold the bio-invader out of his mind enough to retain his super-strength. He and Super-Imposter absolutely tore the city apart while fighting each other; throwing each other through buildings and concrete blocks; punching each other through the street and down below ground level; picking up cars and using them as weapons to swat each other with. It was all absolutely nuts. There were times when my perspective would switch to that of Clark’s, and I would be kind of “willing” his actions against the Super-Imposter - choosing when Clark punched or blocked by moving my own arms (which then became his). Having this periodic lapse between just watching the action and being “in” the action, I caught myself checking my watch (on Clark’s wrist), making sure it wasn’t 8:00am yet, because I was hoping the episode would be over before I had to go to work (There is so much reality/dream crossing in that one concept that it blows my mind. LOL.) The hand on the watch was getting closer and closer to 8, and I was wondering if I was going to be late to work. No matter what, though, I wanted to see the end of the fight.

Somehow, the fight moved from Metropolis to my old town. They were fighting in the Albertson’s / Blockbuster Video shopping center. Clark was losing the fight badly, because no matter how hard he attacked, the Superfraud just wouldn’t quit, but he somehow found a way to beat him, psychologically. I can’t remember what all he said, but Clark did this whole monologue about logically deducing what the Fraud’s weakness was; something about their time in High School and the dangers of tobacco being a clue to his weakness. (How those concepts actually tied in, I have no idea. I can’t remember what it was he was talking about.) After he exposed this secret, though, the Fraud wasn’t able to touch him. He became weak and frail, and ended up flying away when he realized he couldn’t win.

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