Tuesday, December 12, 2023

"Stealth-tastic Three" - 08/03/2007

”Stealth-tastic Three”
Dream One

I wish I could remember more of this one, because it was awesome, and so vivid. It was something of a cross between the movies Stealth and Fantastic Four. I was a part of a team of young, hotshot fighter pilots, which was made up of myself; a white dude….and Jessica Alba. (Obviously replacing Jessica Biel, who wa actually in the Stealth movie.)

We were flying these sleek, little, black, vertical take-off/landing aircraft, equipped with retractable force fields (kinda like pilotable versions of the aircraft from Stealth, though I can’t remember if that one had a force-field or not. I think it did, though). At some point, we had flown out to this restaurant/bar, somewhere in the desert, in what seemed like Nevada - except not quite as barren, and with just the slightest bit of greenery around. Landing outside the bar, we went in and had some food (don’t remember whether we had any drinks or not). While there, another pilot - a black guy, wearing the same flight-suit as we were - walked into the bar. I don’t remember whether or not our meeting was scheduled, or he just showed up, but he sat with us and gave us a warning about the A.I. that was integrated into our aircraft. I can’t remember exactly what he said, though. I don’t think he confirmed that there was any immediate danger, but simply told us to be careful.

We left the restaurant, shaking his hand as we walked outside to our planes. While we were taking off, I remember looking over to the side, from my cockpit, and seeing Jessica standing up in her cockpit, with the canopy flipped up. It was a pretty badass sight to see her standing there, riding this plane that was climbing in a slow, vertical take-off, with the canopy up, and gazing out over the land like she was just the coolest thing since sliced bread. Heh. A few moments later, she just sat down, dropped the canopy, and we all shot off, horizontally, flying off to wherever.

There was a long sequence, that I completely do not remember, where our planes started turning on us. Even, thinking about, I’m not sure how this exactly would have played out, but I just know that that was the inevitable twist in the narrative.

Skipping ahead: we were back in the big city, in what looked like a high-rise apartment building. This game of cat and mouse, between us and the machines that were now trying to kill us, continued. The last scene I really remember was when we were in one of the rooms of this apartment and one of the planes had blown a hole in a wall, big enough for the small, personal aircraft to hover into the building. The room was fairly large, but the plane completely filled up the majority of it, hovering between the floor and ceiling, with precision – merely inches to spare. We were completely cornered, with our backs against one wall, and we saw that the plane was preparing to fire a rocket at us – point blank range. The plane’s force-field went up, shielding itself from the impending blast, and the rocket fired, somehow slipping through the energy field (which I think wasn’t possible with the plane’s force-field, in the movie, if the one in the movie did have a force-field). Prepared to be blown to dust, we all hit the ground in futility….or so I thought. 

There was a massive explosion, fire engulfing everything around us. However, somehow, I was alive. 

I raised my head and looked around me, seeing nothing but flames and debris exploding, completely blotting out the form of the fighter plane. In shock, I slowly turned to my left. Just over my left shoulder, I saw Jessica, standing strong, with both arms held out in front of her. At the last moment, before the rocket exploded, she had created her own force-field (like her character on Fantastic Four) and had shielded us from the rocket. It was one of the coolest things I’d ever seen.

When the smoke and fire cleared, she dropped the shield. The plane was gone, and we were left in a completely destroyed room. The last thing I remember was stepping out into the - equally-demolished - hallway, and seeing a tenant, further down the corridor, crawling out of some rubble and screaming in agony, because he had about 4 feet of wooden railing driven through his chest, due to the explosion. He staggered, aimlessly, around the hallway, with this beam just sticking out of his body.

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