Tuesday, December 12, 2023

"Parkman" - 11/20/2007


(I don’t remember all of the details of this dream, but I know it was pretty long.)

I was Matt Parkman, the cop from the TV show: Heroes. When the dream started, I was with Sylar (the main villain from the same show). We were traveling together, but I gave him no clue that I had any powers, or that I knew he was up to no good. We had stopped driving long enough to go into a grocery store, and I visited the bakery. There was one girl working behind the counter, and she passed me up, a few times, obviously busy with someone else. One of the times that she passed, and turned her back, Sylar reached behind the counter and stole a massive amount of cookies. He started crushing them and taking out certain bits of them, wrapping those crushed pieces up in a paper towel. I knew, right of the bat, that this had something to do with his villainous schemes (which is freakin hilarious, now that I sit here and type this all out. Lol.), but causing a scene would blow my cover.

So, the girl came back around, to help me out, and as I pointed to which type of cookie I wanted, she notices the large number of cookies missing from the shelf. I could see her getting suspicious and, just as she looked up at me, about to say something, I implanted the thought into her head that she didn’t see anything, and nothing was out of the ordinary (ala Parkman's telepathic powers, in the show). She ended up just taking my order and Sylar and I went on our way.

Later, I was in the bathroom in some huge office building. I don’t remember how the connection was made, but, somehow, Sylar became Osama Bin Laden, or something (I'm not exactly sure that he transformed into him, but, all I know is, at one point, Sylar was in the bathroom talking to someone and then, Osama Bin Laden was in the bathroom, in his stead, with a bunch of Al Qaeda members – a strange, and sudden twist). I remained still, in the stall, listening to these guys talk about how there was going to be a terrorist attack on this massive building. I wanted to do something, but I had no gun, and I was pretty much useless, from where I was crouching. (I didn’t even thinking about using telepathy.) Unable to stop them, I heard the guys leave the bathroom and gunfire erupted as they went on a killing spree. When I was able to leave the stall, the hallways were littered with bodies.

The dream reset (this is the second time that’s happened in about a week), and I was back in the stall again. As soon as I realized what was about to happen, I finished up and discretely walked out of the bathroom. (I think Sylar was still talking to whomever he was talking to, when I left.) When I got out, into the hall, I immediately went looking for security guards. I found one and tried to use telepathy to make him give me his gun, but he said he wasn’t carrying one. Continuing on, I saw an old ROTC friend of mine (in waking life), named AR. I told her that there was about to be an attack on this building and asked if she was carrying a gun. She happened to be carrying two, and gave me this little Derringer. I remember looking at it like “…wtf,” but it would have to do, for now. The shootout started and AR helped me out. We went around, fighting off as many of these guys as we could, and at one point, I used telepathy on one of the terrorists and made him give me his gun.

Later, still, the dream had changed. I don’t know whether or not I was still Parkman, but AR was still with me. We were walking through the swamp with a bunch of other people, like we were camping or something. We came along a dead alligator, and we were all looking at it, as we walked passed. Just as I walked by, the damn thing sprung to life and started chasing us (mainly me, because I was to the rear of the line)! While I was running, I kept fumbling in my pocket for the Derringer pistol, that AR had given me, back at the building, and I couldn’t get it out of my pocket. I jumped out of the way, just as the gator lunged at me, and it disappeared into a bush. Just as suddenly, it sprang out of the bush right beside AR and lunged for her. Then, with all the reflexes of a ninja, she whipped out her much bigger gun and put two bullets in its head.

(That's the last thing that I can remember.)

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