Tuesday, December 12, 2023

"Taking Freddy to School" - 09/03/2007 (Lucid)

"Taking Freddy to School"

I was in a college stadium, near the top of the bleachers. It was pretty much empty, besides a handful of people scattered here and there. While walking through the bleachers, I began asking myself "...what the Hell am I doing in a stadium??"

After realizing I had to be dreaming, I became lucid and began running and jumping through the bleachers, performing high jumps from level to level. I was soon at the very top level of the stadium. I ran forward and did an impossibly-high flip with a half-twist, which carried me all the way over the bleachers, and out into the middle of the football field. Before landing, I had intended to make the ground break under my feet (because that would have been dope), but all I got was a massive BOOOOOOOM sound, when I landed, which was pretty cool, in itself. There were some female DCs standing around on the sidelines, and I went over to talk to them, but I don't remember our conversation.

Later, I was roaming around the campus at night, and came to a section with two rows of small buildings, set close together. I got the feeling that I was being followed and soon began to notice someone's shadow lurking around in the dark. Walking into an open alleyway, I looked down to the far end. Freddy Krueger was standing there, in his usual, arrogantly-casual stance. He slowly started walking in my direction. Having been about fed-up with Freddy in my dreams (we've had a couple of run-ins, by now, which haven't gone well for me), and since I was feeling a decent amount of control in this dream, I decided that we were going to have us a little one-on-one.

I held up my hand and visualized nails growing from them. It was surprisingly simple. They shot out of the ends of my fingertips, on command, looking much like his own. I ran in toward him; he ran back at me. We clashed in the center of the alley and had this badass, Kung Fu-esque, nail-to-nail fight. We were perfectly blocking and dodging everything the other was throwing - which was incredibly quick and fluid - and whenever we would have a claws-to-claws impact, sparks were shooting out from between us. It was so tight, and almost seemed like a live-action anime battle. Lol.

Finally (and completely unexpectedly), he actually gave up! (HA!) He said that I was damn good; that he respected me for my skills (I don't know whether he meant fighting skill or dream control skill, but I'll take it either way. Haha) and that he would now by my ally, and a sort of dream guide, if I called on him in the future. (Freddy Kruger as a dream guide would be amazing! Lol.)

Of course, I really didn't expect this encounter to carry over into any future dreams, so I just kind of said 'cool man' and went on about my way.

Sometime later, I had lost lucidity and was in one of the classrooms. Without warning, having been framed for something I didn't do, I was rushed by campus police. They took me down into a sort of school jail, where a few more people were locked up and I could await my fate. One of these cells had a door in it that was only about 2 feet high; It was more like a window than a door. The guards came in with another detainee and forecefully shoved him through the tiny opening, folding his body in half, backward - and apparently breaking his back - to fit him into the space. This immediately made me realize I was still dreaming.

I was lucid again. I wanted to look around for Freddy and started phasing through the walls, going from room to room. He was nowhere to be found, though, so I decided to go straight up and through the ceiling, since I knew I was underground. I phased upward, as high as I could, until I passed through the roof of the school and landed on top of it. Now outside, I took the time to look at my hands and stabilize the dream; my skin was all green and wrinkled. (I actually did this more than once in the dream, but I can't remember when the other time was or how my hands looked). Then, I went jumping from rooftop to rooftop, around the campus, which was a lot of fun. I landed in front of a sorority house type building, where there was a massive party going on. I went inside and joined in, and met some girl who seemed really familiar from waking life. Dunno who she was, though. Before long, we were making out up against a wall. Then, in a standing position, I pretty much just lifted one of her legs with my forearm, and we started going at it. I realized, after working her bra off, that she had three breasts (Total Recall! Lol) even though her bra had only been built for two. Awkward as it was, it didn't stop us. Sooner or later, though, something happened in the crowd that caused us to stop, but I can't remember what it was.

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