Tuesday, December 12, 2023

"Four-finger Back-stab" - 01/21/2009 (Lucid)

“Four-finger Back-stab”
Dream #1

(This dream was amazing. I’d fallen asleep in my computer chair, and when I woke up, it was about 3am. I figured I could do a WBTB, and so I hung out for a few minutes and then went back to bed, auto-suggesting that I would realize when I’m dreaming.)

As the dream began, I was in an apartment, along with a group of random people. I don’t remember what happened in the very beginning, but I soon began to suspect I was dreaming. Walking over to the nearby window, my hand reached up to it, resting it against the glass. The surface resisted at first, but the window soon bubbled outward and my hand began to phase right through it. I now knew I was dreaming and put my other arm up, pushing outward and then walking straight through the pane of glass. Outside, it was a bit overcast, and I idly looked around for something to do. Immediately, I realized that I didn’t know what the [Tasks of the Month] were, this month, so I just tried to think of anything fun to do. (I kept looking down at my hands, all throughout this dream, which grounded me perfectly and kept me from slipping out of the dream prematurely. I also began singing that catchy “Dreaming” song, by some female artist I can’t remember, quietly to myself, so my mind wouldn’t wander from the knowledge that I was dreaming.)

I walked over to a small pond and brought my hands down in front of me, then raised them up over my head, focusing my mind upon the pond and trying to force a telekinetic jet of water to shoot up into the air. It didn’t work at all. I then focused my mind on the water's surface again, pushing my hands slowly outward, like I was pushing against a wall. A small hemisphere of water began denting inward as I mentally pushed the surface of the pond down into itself. While this was pretty cool, I tried to think of something better to do with my time. Nothing else interesting was really coming to mind, aside from a few lucid tricks, so I decided to go see what the DC’s I’d been hanging out with, earlier, were up to.

I walked back to the apartment and went inside. There were two cute girls and a couple of guys there, and I just chilled for a bit and waited to see if anything interesting would come up. Later, the girls were making some cake in the kitchen, and the rest of us were passing through, periodically, just doing whatever else it was that we were doing. I stopped by one of the girls and just reached out and grabbed a huge handful of her ass, kinda pushing her up against the table. She turned around and we immediately started making out. We moved from the kitchen and into the living room and were about to just have sex on the floor. The other girl came in, and she was the really hot one, so I shifted from the other one to her, and was about to have sex with her instead, but when she started to take off her shirt, I saw that she actually had six boobs, instead of two.  She also had a huge bit of stitch-work running down the side of her body, as if she had been ripped apart and laced back together. Needless to say, the whole thing kinda "ruined my appetite" for this particular girl. I switched back over to the other girl, and we continued to have a nice little session...

Later, it had gotten dark and we'd all gone outside. There was a man lying in the street, near a van, and a bunch of onlookers standing around him. When I'd gotten closer, I could see that the guy had gotten the top half of his head chopped off, as if he’d been visited by Sylar, from Heroes. There was blood all over the concrete, and the crowd was restless. A frightened woman asked “Who did this?!” and someone else frantically replied, “The Devil! It was the Devil!” By this time, fresh out of other ideas, I was in the mood for a good, lucid fight. I pushed through the crowd and said, “The Devil? Where is he? Which way did he go?” Then, I heard this loud, maniacal laughter coming from one of the balconies high above me. The man beside me pointed up and said “There! He went up there!” I looked up and saw a dark balcony. It was somehow more ominous than any of the others around it, and just seemed to scream 'EVIL'. (It was as if it was Halloween and none of the other balconies were decorated, but you just knew this one had a kickass haunted house inside of it; That kind of feeling.)

I jumped into the air and tried flying up to the balcony while everyone around me watched. I kept falling a few feet short of my intended altitude, though, and would just sink back down to the ground. I tried over and over, but just couldn’t get all the way up to the balcony. Finally, as if accommodating me, a large group of monsters of all type jumped down from the mysterious balcony and landed all around me. I don’t remember exactly what they looked like, but I know that they were all varied, and I believe that either they were all famous movie monsters or just some of them were. I began to square off with a few of them and wondered, because of their numbers, if this was going to be a little more challenging than I thought.

Then, I heard the laughing again, and looked over to one side. Walking toward me, through a break in the ring of monsters - and using his same old “damn I’m awesome” type of stride, with his hat brim low and his gloved hand held out to one side - was Freddy Krueger. He was grinning from ear to ear, of course (as usual) and I could tell he wasn’t here to make good on the promise he’d made during the last dream in which we'd met. He was here to kick my ass, with the aid of these other monsters.

I said to him, “I thought you said you were going to help me when I needed you, from now on.” He just kept walking toward me, grinning, and said “Yeah…I know…I’m a real asshole, aren’t I?” He then raised his bladed glove and launched himself at me.

I grabbed his arm by the wrist and spun him around, throwing him one way, just as the rest of the monsters jumped in at me, at once. The fight was absolutely insane. I was moving so fast, trying to keep from getting grabbed or slashed by them, that I believe my 'will to move' was driving the action, rather than me actually reacting to anything that the DC's were doing. I kept trying to use energy attacks, but they weren’t working quite right, and I had to keep up the melee. I did get a couple of telekinetic “pushes” to work, and there was one time where I squared off with Freddy and I brought one hand to the side, igniting it with a large flame over my palm. Freddy actually did the same, matching me, and we threw fireballs at each other at the same time, both of us dodging the other’s attack. The monster horde closed in on me again, and it was more close-quarters melee. It got so fast and intense that I eventually felt the dream’s stability slipping from me.
(I woke up from the dream and immediately tried to jump back into it. Staying completely still, I fell back asleep. But, while the next dream still took place in the same apartment complex, there were no other references to this one.)

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