Tuesday, December 12, 2023

"The Sixth Seal" - 11/18/2013 (Chain)

"The Sixth Seal"
(Dream Chain)

Part 1:

I was with a few friends, but T was the only one I could specifically remember. There was some supernatural disturbance, here on Earth, and the next thing we knew, the entire city we were in had been turned into a glass desert. By that, I mean that the ground had instantly turned into a reflective surface that stretched as far as the eye could see. There were only a few structures to be seen in the distance, which looked like mesas in the desert. The ground perfectly reflected the night sky, and the absence of light and landmarks was so intense that, when looking around, it was impossible to get bearing on where we were, or how far it would be to civilization. It was, quite literally, a 'glass desert'.

We wandered about for a while, trying to find out where we were, or if there was anything left, at all, of the world we knew before this apocalyptic event. After roaming about for probably over a mile, we came across a rise in the ground. At first, it looked like a sandbar rising up out of the sea. However, when we got closer, we could see that it was actually a city street, which had elevated up passed the glassy surface and continued on into a city. The first survivor we came across was a young, partially-nude girl who seemed to be sleeping in the dirt. She had a half-packed water-pipe beside her, that someone in my group asked if he could use. After spending a few minutes discussing the situation with her, we moved on.

Eventually, we ended up meeting the Winchester Brothers from the show Supernatural. They were already on the case, trying to find out what was going on in the city. It turns out that there had been some sort of super-volcano eruption, in which the lava that burst out of the ground, over the span of a city or more, had instantly solidified to glass. It was a signal of the release of Hell on Earth and the pending apocalypse.

Somewhere through the narrative, I actually turned into Sam Winchester and - as in the show - was struggling with turning into a Demon, myself. This did not sit well with Dean Winchester (Sam's brother), and our relationship rapidly deteriorated over the course of this dream. Dean was soon treating me like his enemy, instead of his brother. Even while we were working together, and trying to figure out what was going on with the apocalypse, he was treating me with so much hatred that I, as his brother, was heartbroken. He wouldn't listen to anything I said, and responded to my every word with sarcasm, disdain, and the unmistakable sentiment that - had he the chance - he would kill me where I stood. We were no longer brothers, in his eyes. I was a filthy demon, just like the others, and didn't deserve to be on this earth.

What followed was an event that was much like a false awakening. However, instead of feeling that I woke up as myself, in my own bed (and world), I woke up as Sam Winchester, feeling that I had dreamed the apocalyptic event as another person (my real self). I was talking to Dean about how I saw the whole event (the volcanic eruption and the glassing of the earth) as someone else (my real self), and about how that somehow provided us with more information about the event. Of course, Dean, still looking at me as a worthless demon, just nodded his head and said "uh-huh", sarcastically, not listening to a single thing I said. He just wanted me Dead. Period.

The scenario ended with me trying to find access to a computer, so that I could log my dream (as I normally do, upon waking), while still in the character of Sam Winchester. My transformation into a demon had progressed, and I was now starting to lose my human teeth. They were falling out of my mouth, every few minutes. I would be in the middle of talking, and would feel them come loose and start rolling around in my mouth (which is a terrible feeling). It was only one or two at a time, at first, but then they began dislodging so rapidly that I was just start spitting them out on the floor as I talked. My voice was also becoming more deep and 'demonic', the longer the dream carried on.

Dean finally showed me where a computer was, but told me that it was in a room where I would have to be locked away, since I - demon scum that I was - was no longer welcome to help he and our associates fight the apocalypse. I was 'one of them', and couldn't be trusted (a scenario that actually played out, on the show). As much as it hurt, I agreed to stay behind, so that I could type the dream in my journal before I forgot it, while Dean and our allies went on to reverse the damage that had been done, without me.

(I woke up and saw that it had only been about an hour and a half since I'd gone to bed. After falling back asleep, another dream followed, which wasn't related to this one. I woke up after that one, and had another hour to sleep. In doing so, I fell back into a continuation of the first dream, where things had obviously taken a turn for the worse...)

"The Sixth Seal"
Part 2:

I was on my back, on a table, and still as the demonized Sam Winchester. Dean was now standing over me, trying to drive an enchanted blade (like the one in the show) down through my heart. I was fighting him with all that I could, pleading for him to stop - trying to make him realize that I was still his brother, despite the demon blood that flowed through me. He was blind with rage, though. Wouldn't listen. And he was incredibly strong. The harder I fought, the closer the tip of the blade got to my chest. Demon or not, I could feel my control on the situation waning, and I knew that I would soon be dead. I was practically crying - begging for my life through tears of betrayal - knowing that I would soon be meeting my death at the hands of my own brother, who couldn't see passed his hatred for what I was enough to spare my life. It was one of the worst feelings, emotionally, that I've ever had in a dream.

(I woke up before the knife actually plunged into my chest.)

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