Tuesday, December 12, 2023

"Lost City of Frost" - 11/15/2013

"Lost City of Frost"

I was a rough-neck female adventurer (like Lara Croft), and I was leading a team of explorers through some snow-covered mountains, trying to discover a lost, mythical city that had been rumored to exist in the area. One of the people in my crew looked so much like Ben Affleck that I think it might have been him 'playing a role', as if we were all characters in a movie.  There seemed to be some sort of animosity between myself and the Affleck-ish character, as if we had some kind of bitter history, but, at first, it didn't seem to get in the way of our work.

We came to a ridge, high on a mountain, looking down into a wide, snowy valley far below us. In the valley, we could see a few small, brown huts, but nothing that seemed to match the description of the sprawling, mystical city that we'd been expecting to find; that is, until one of the members of my crew activated some sort of device which beamed, like a laser, down into the valley. The snow began to waft away like smoke rising from a cauldron, and in its place, we uncovered numerous larger buildings which sort of 'faded into' view, as if it were a mirage in the desert. Two buildings turned into 4; 4 into 8; and so-on.

We had found our Lost City, and it was an amazing sight to see. The kicker, though, was that we knew that this city was rumored to be inhabited by large, serpent-like creatures that burrowed through the mountains as worms do through dirt. What we didn't know was just how enormous these things were supposed to be. We quickly got our answer. The mountains began to shake around us, while we stood an gazed out over the snow-scape; large section of rock and snow breaking off from the higher peaks and  tumbling down into the valley. It seemed like an earthquake...and a powerful one, at that. Just beyond the city, far into the distance, we could see a massive, cylindrical body slinking its way through the snow like the curved spine of some great sea-serpent. Massive, really, is an understatement. The beast's body had to be at least a half-mile wide,  and the portion of its length that we could see covered  well over a mile in distance. Even as far away as we were viewing it, the sight of it was absolutely overwhelming. It was like nothing any of us had ever seen, and it moved through the rocky, snow-covered valley as easily as a sewing-needle through fabric, causing the earth to continue to quake and landslides to continue to fall, as it moved about.

(There's a large section of this dream that I can only remember in fleeting moments: ) We'd made it down into the valley, and had to explore the city without making any noise on the ground (obvious Tremors influence). There were more of these 'worms', but the others were much smaller - about as thick as a bus, and maybe a quarter mile long, each - and they were the main threat, once we were within the city limits. We kept to the rooftops as much as we could, and I believe we were looking for some kind of artifact. Many of the men (I think my character was the only female in the group) died during the expedition, having made too much noise at ground-level and been eaten alive by the carnivorous worms. The Affleck character was one of the first, but I never saw him actually die. I do remember one death, specifically, where a guy fell through a fragile rooftop and into a building. We descended quietly on the outside of the building, knowing that the worms would react to his initial thudding on the floor, inside, and we tried to help pull him out of a nearby window. Halfway out, though, he let out a horrific scream, and we were only able to pull the top half of his body out, as the other half had been eaten by the warm that had broken up through the floor, inside.

Later, I had found whatever it was we were in search of, having barely survived the expedition, myself. It was then that I was confronted by a man who blocked my path of escape from this city. It was 'Affleck'. Apparently, he had faked his death and laid-low, so that we could continue to do all the legwork for him. Now that it was done, he had planned to double-cross me and steal the artifact (or whatever it was) and claim it for himself. We got into a ferocious brawl which, of course, drew the attention of the worms; only the Big One came, this time. We quickly stopped our fighting and began running for our lives. The entire city, and the mountains around us, began crumbling in the wake of the alpha worm as it gave chance. The last thing I remember was trying to scramble up the mountain from which we'd come into the valley, fighting off gigantic rock slides from above, and the absymal jaws of the worm tearing up the mountain face below us.

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