Tuesday, December 12, 2023

"Beware of Aliens" - 11/27/2009

"Beware of Aliens"
Dream #2

(There was a lot to the beginning of this dream, but I don't remember too much of it.)

There was a little, bad-ass kid - maybe 11 years old, or so - and he was trying to systematically murder all the rest of his family members. At first, I was watching everything in a 3rd-person, disembodied perspective and saw this kid stalking his dad in a dark hallway. He hid behind a piece of furniture and, when his dad came passed him, the kid lunged and shoved him over the staircase railing. The father fell to the first floor and died.

Eventually, I was in my own body, viewing things in 1st-person. The previous "remote viewing" of what happened to the kid's dad left me with a knowledge of what had actually happened, even though no one else was aware of the depths of the kid's dark side. I came into the scenario as a friend of the family (even though this was no family I know of, IRL), but I knew the kid was a killer and the rest of the family was soon to follow in death. I'd called him out on it, once, but everyone treated me like I didn't know what the hell I was talking about, and he continued to play the role of the 'Good Son'. From that point, forward, I kept a knife in my pocket and was very tense. I distinctly remember keeping my hand in my pocket too, and just rubbing my thumb along the back of the knife blade while I walked around...just waiting for him to come out of nowhere with something. Even though I wasn't a part of the family, I felt like I was now a main target, because I exposed the fact that I knew what he was doing.

Later, the kid and I were standing out on the pool deck. He lobbed something at me, harmlessly, and I instinctively caught it. I looked down and saw that it was a thick, green, plastic disc. Confused, I looked back at him, and he held up a joystick with a button on top of it. Immediately, I knew it was a detonator. Standing a good length away from me, he pressed the button. Nothing happened. He said "oh shit," and I knew then that he'd nearly just killed me, but failed. I grabbed what I believe was a baseball bat and held it back, stalking over in his direction. He backed away, and I just kept following him, brandishing the bat in strike position. We continued on like this until he had backed his way upstairs, into his room, and into a corner. It would seem as if my beating this murderous kid's brains in was inevitable, but when I finally swung the bat down, I redirected it onto his entertainment center, smashing various pieces of equipment, over and over, and shattering whatever was on the shelves. I wasn't really ready to beat this kid down with a bat, but that was intended to be my warning to him that I wasn't screwing around. Apparently, he didn't take the hint.

The dream (or my recollection of it) skipped ahead, and it was the following day, just at sunset. Again, the rest of the kid's family was nowhere to be seen, and he'd already mapped out his revenge on me. Somehow, the kid got a hold of a pet Xenomorph (The aliens in the Aliens movie series) and let it loose, after me. This thing chased me all through the house, which was very dark, aside from a soft blueish hue which could have only been moonshine. I don't remember how, but I ended up killing the alien, only to find out - after the fact - that it had already laid eggs. Now - usually - when Xenomorphs lay eggs, they lay a bunch of small pods, out of which one 'facehugger' larvae emerges, each. But this one laid about six very large pods - each one standing about as tall as me. (Don't ask me how.) I'd gone out to the backyard again, after killing the adult Xeno, and saw the pods around by the side of the house. This, I was sure, could only end badly.

There was a huge ordeal, out by the pool, around this time. I can barely remember any of it, though. Eventually, the eggs were hatching and - instead of one-per-egg - hundreds off these little facehuggers were flowing out of the shells. As if they were under his control, the small aliens started flooding toward me while the kid just stood by and watched. By this time, there was another person in the scenario, and they were holding a flamethrower down on the - still hatching - eggs. The entire yard was bathed in orange light from the fire, but it was ultimately having no effect. There were just too many of them hatching, so they kept flowing out of the shells like rice overflowing in a pot on the stove.

(I tried to pull up some movie footage of the facehuggers, but couldn't find anything good on youtube. They are nasty lil S.O.B.s, though.)

The first thing I thought was to dive into the pool, assuming they wouldn't be able to swim. Once I was in the water, though, I was proven wrong as they started streaming into the water from all sides, flapping their skinny legs across and beneath the water; swarming their way in toward me from all directions. Knowing that I wouldn't last long, being caught in the middle of this charge, I made a break for one side of the pool. I could feel the thick, stick-like legs of these things crawling up my legs and arms, once they came in contact, and scurrying their way toward my head. (If you're not familiar with face-huggers, what they do is wrap themselves around your head and shove a retractable shaft down your throat, in order to impregnate you with their own larvae, which then explode out of your gut/chest, killing you. Not my idea of a good time.)

At a point before I reached the side of the pool, I thought I was going to drown, trying to stay afloat while pulling these damned things off of me. Eventually, I made it to the side and pulled myself out of the water. These small-dog-sized larvae covered the entire pool deck, and just as I ran, they all shifted direction toward me, never stopping their scurrying little legs from moving in my direction. It was like watching birds or fish change direction, in unison. Running myself into a corner, I hopped up and climbed the wooden fence. Once at the top, though, I kind of froze. Everything outside of the yard was a dark blur, and I was confronted with the thought of all these aliens getting out into the rest of the world. I knew that I couldn't let that happen, because Xenos could easily wipe out mankind as we know it. I turned around and looked back toward my partner, trying to find out if he/she was making any headway with the flamethrower. And from my elevated position, I could see the true scope of the swarm of face-huggers heading racing toward me.

These things had flooded the back yard, and were instantly crowding their way up the fence and toward me. Faced with this moral dilemma, I instinctively sat down on the corner-post of the fence and decided to try to hold off the swarm until my unknown ally could burn all of the eggs, which were still bubbling over with fresh face-hugger spawn. 

When these things really started attacking me, it was like nothing I'd ever felt before in a dream (and I've been swarmed by a lot of things). It was an endless flood of them scurrying their way up my body. Their legs were like thin, bony fingers tapping their way up and around my limbs; 3, maybe 4 creatures at a time. I kept my balance, high on the fence post, while they frantically tried to get at my face, like zombies to brains. Sitting on this post, I did my best to fight them off, grabbing them off of me, one by one, as more and more ran up the fence and onto me. I could feel them all over me; some running straight up my chest; some running around my back and then up to the front of me; some jumping up onto my arms and spiraling them up to my shoulders before trying to jump onto my face. (Ugh. It's making my skin crawl again, just writing this. What a horrible feeling.) Whenever they would get too close to my face, I would grab them in both hands and crack them in half (like the way we crack lobster, when we go diving for them), and toss the halves away, readying myself to fend off more of them.

(This assault basically continued on throughout the rest of the dream, and I woke up feeling like they were still trying to crawl around on me. I tried to go back to sleep, but every time I did I just kept seeing/feeling them trying to swarm me again. So I got up, wrote down my notes, and didn't end up going back to sleep at all.)

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