Tuesday, December 12, 2023

"Cassadaga" - 04/26/2005 (Lucid)


(Here is another early one, from when I first got back into the practice. :) )

Had my first lucid dream in months. 

It didn't seem to take long before I realized I was dreaming, though I can't remember what dream signs, if any, that I recognized. However, I do remember that I used the Fingers Through Palm test to confirm my lucidity. And yup, my fingers sank straight through the palm of my hand. I remember that, upon my conscious awakening, my first order of business was to enhance the clarity of the experience. I could see that I was standing just outside of the city of Cassadaga, the historically-famous Florida town of spiritualists and psychic mediums, that I live about 8 miles away from and hadn't actually visited, until yesterday, while awake. (Pretty interesting place. Great spiritualist bookstore.)

It was midday, in the dream, the sky a beautiful, but slightly distorted blue. I focused my mind and called out "Increase Lucidity!"; gave a slightly tense blink of my eyes; and when I opened them, the world around me was as clear as I had woken up and stepped into the midday sun. It was gorgeous, but not necessarily too bright. The trees were a spotted canvas of autumn colors.

Next, just for good measure, I belted out "Lengthen Lucidity Time to Four Waking Hours!!" ('Hey, it was worth a shot, right?  )

Unfortunately (very), I don't remember too much of the experience, after that, though I do recall spending quite some time lucid and - for the most part - walking around and simply enjoying how amazingly my mind could simulate the waking world. Although I don't quite remember the things I did, or DC's that I talked to, what sticks out, mainly, is doing reality checks, at three different times in the dream: first, putting my fingers through my palm, when first gaining consciousness; then later, sticking my arm through the wall of what I think was a restaurant; and, again, doing the finger-through-palm technique, this time turning my hand over to try to see my fingers actually stick out the back of my hand. Now that I think of it, I did the FTP Again at the end of the dream, but no matter how hard I tried, my fingers wouldn't penetrate my skin. It was at this time that my lucidity left me, and I'd started to wonder if I'd woken up and was testing reality while already in the waking world.

I think it was this contemplation that caused me to wake up, but damn, its nice to be back in control after being out of it for so long.

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