Tuesday, December 12, 2023

"The Syringe from Hell" - 03/24/2010 (Lucid)

"The Syringe From Hell"

I was at work, and my manager, B, was being a major ass to all of the employees. We had a blue beach ball, that we were bouncing around the room to each other, and he just came by and stabbed with a knife, letting all of the air out. After a while, I got fed up and got in his face about being such a prick, for no reason. We had some huge argument, and he ended up apologizing, but I refused to accept his apology and kept laying into him.

  When I'd eventually had enough, I stormed outside the call center and started walking down the street. Some old woman casually began walking right beside me, and we talked for a moment. In the most straight-forward way, she told me that she was a ghostly-spirit, and that she was sent here to give me something. In her hand, she held a syringe, informing me that I had to take the shot of whatever she had, without question. Of course, there was absolutely no way that I was just going to let this woman stick me with anything, and I told her so. She said that I didn't have a choice, and that I had to take it, no matter what.

Becoming increasingly alarmed at where this situation might lead, I quickly came to the realization that this was insane, and could not really be happening. I knew I was dreaming. Immediately, I tried to focus on the syringe and, with telekinesis, pull it out of her hand. She gripped tight, though, and I wasn't able to move it. Aware of my attempt, and still walking at my side, she told me that I would not be able to pull it from her hand, because she was actually a demon, and I wasn't strong enough. Swiftly, I tried to disorient her by spinning her around (though I can't remember if I did this with my hands or my mind). Once I rotated her off balance, I made another telekinetic swat at the syringe. My mind knocked the needle from the old woman's fingers, and it stuck, needle-first, into the fence beside us. We both lunged for it, and I grabbed it before she did. When I held the needle up to take a look at it, I could see that the tip was now made of plastic or rubber. Whatever it was, it didn't seem like it could even penetrate human flesh - let alone the fence post I'd just pulled it out of.

That's all I remember.

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