Tuesday, December 12, 2023

"Murder at the Marina" - 04/05/2010

"Murder at the Marina"

I was a cop, in this dream, who worked at a busy marina or aquatic theme park. I had a couple of very close partners, who worked along with me, and we ran a pretty tight ship. We had caught wind that there was a killer on the loose in the park. He was wearing a wet suit, to conceal himself in the water, and had already ambushed at least one, seemingly random, victim. At different points in the dream, he was armed with a machine gun, a pistol and a speargun, and he was one crafty bastard. My partners and I spent a long time chasing him all over the marina/park, and just when we'd think we had him cornered, and would fire off round into his perceived hiding places, he would turn up somewhere else. It became an endless cat-and-mouse, and we were constantly running out of ammunition, having to scramble around the park to find more.

At one point, we were in a particular shootout with him, where a huge, banner/flag, with florescent lights all over it, got shot down from above my head. I looked up and saw it coming down on me, and I dove out of the way, just in time. Hitting the dirt, I rolled under a wooden deck next to me just as the banner smashed to the ground and erupted into a bright shower of electrical sparks. The sparks instantly ignited the fabric, and the enormous banner was immediately engulfed in flames, billowing all over the deck that I was under. It didn't take long before the deck had caught fire as well, and I was left to crawl frantically out from under the structure before I, too, was to be consumed in fire. I remember being in contact with a military frigate (or something) that was just offshore. I asked them if they had any assault rifles on board, and was loaned one with no questions asked. While getting the gun, I remember hearing something about a stowed 'engine' being on board, which was so hot that stepping in front of it would instantly turn you to dust. I don't think it really played a role in the dream, otherwise, though.

The chase eventually was on, again, and we were all shooting into the water, where we'd last seen the guy. When I ran out of ammo for automatic rifle, I was able to find a spear-gun, which I knew I was going to have to be much more conservative with. Word came in that the elusive killer was now on the side of the park which was directly across the section of water near where I was standing. I knew it would take me too long to run down along the walkways, so I ran forward and just dove into the water, spear-gun in hand. My closest partner followed me and we swam, as fast as we could, to the shoreline that had been across from us. When we got out of the water, we looked around for the killer, and I happened to glance back in the direction from which we'd just re-surfaced. Sticking out of the water was the very top of the killer's snorkel.

I assumed he could not yet see me and was just laying low. So, slowly, cautiously, I raised the spear-gun. I took aim on where his head would have to be, finding it hard to see him clearly, and I fired a bolt into the water. I could immediately tell that I must have hit him in the head, and I watched his snorkel just kind of droop. The killer had to be dead or severely wounded, I thought, but I had to be sure.

Reluctantly, I walked over to the water and began wading back in, toward the black tube that was still protruding from the surface. Just as I was reaching out to touch it, I felt something brush up against my other hand, under water. It was a fin. I was a plastic fin, and it was on the opposite side of me that the snorkel was on. Immediately, I spun around, and the killer exploded out of the water in front of me, his own spear-gun aimed at my face, and at point blank range. Instinctively, I reached out and grabbed his weapon, wrestling with him for it in a panic. I was never able to get full control of the spear-gun, but I got his arms in a lock, from behind, and lunged forward. We were close enough to the shore that the man's temple smashed against a nearby rock, knocking him unconscious. Slightly exhausted, I pulled the killer's limp body over to the water's edge, and my partner helped me drag him out onto the shore.

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